forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Elder-God-Whisper work

I am going to ask a very serious question and you don't have to answer it or you can send me a private response. This is for a story though.

For all of the Transgender people, how did you come out to your parents/family, and how did they take it?

I still haven't! I'm waiting until i'm out of the house so I don't get hurt! :D


All of them. lol. I'm genderfluid

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Actually, I have to really pick and choose who knows. But everyone in my home school calls me by my birth name, and everyone at my trade school only really knows me by my chosen name. Other than that, it gets complicated…

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Hmm. Honestly, I'm jealous of you Demeter, because it would be so much easier if only a few knew. Right now, I have problems not only because I have to pick and choose out of many, many people who knows my orientation and preferred name, but also because my BF is Trans and I have to pick and choose who knows about that too, through me.

@Anemone eco

So, some people that I hang out with came up with a rule that anyone we hear use "gay" in a pejorative way was going to get a stern talking-to and a slap on the hand. The stern talking-to is usually meant to be funny and in jest, but I was put in charge of the slap on the hand. Now best believe I ain't giving to light taps on the hand. I crack my knuckles, wind back, and slap them. Hard. Most people complained about this saying that the whole thing was just supposed to be a joke, but I wasn't having that. I made it clear that I wasn't joking in the slightest and since then, they all stopped(for the most part) using gay in a pejorative way. It truly makes me happy.