forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I almost did a few months ago. A crash happened right in front of us and one car rolled and the other spun through the gap between us and the car in front and if we were even the tiniest bit closer, our car would have been hit sideways, possibly killing my dog and injuring us all and making the whole thing so much worse.

Deleted user

I had meningitis when i was a child, and it was misidentified as the flu and i literally would’ve died if it weren’t for a children’s hospital and my mom being really stubborn

and even if it were identified correctly, meningitis is still extremely fatal

i am super fucking lucky to be alive

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

I had meningitis when i was a child, and it was misidentified as the flu and i literally would’ve died if it weren’t for a children’s hospital and my mom being really stubborn

and even if it were identified correctly, meningitis is still extremely fatal

i am super fucking lucky to be alive

Damn, sounds pretty bad. I'm glad you're alive tho.

Deleted user

I had meningitis when i was a child, and it was misidentified as the flu and i literally would’ve died if it weren’t for a children’s hospital and my mom being really stubborn

and even if it were identified correctly, meningitis is still extremely fatal

i am super fucking lucky to be alive

Damn, sounds pretty bad. I'm glad you're alive tho.

it was horrible and now I’m super susceptible to other infections

sometimes I’m glad as well

thank you the comment is appreciated


Oof I had a similar experience as an infant.

The doctors kept saying it was a common cold and I was fine, but it was actually pneumonia.

Got so bad that I was driven to the hospital and forced to stay overnight (I slept on my mom's chest).

That same night, my heart stopped beating and if my mother wasn't with me then I'd probably be dead.


y'all have wild stories, i'm now 100% more worried for each of you let me fite your problems i-

i've never really had a near death experience or a bad sickness or anything, but i once went blind in my right eye for no reason for about half of a day.
it was in middle school, and i don't remember when exactly it started or stopped, but suddenly i couldn't see out of my right eye at all. but it wasn't all black, everything was a light grey, and i could see vague shapes in a slightly darker grey. 'nd i still don't know what the heck happened.

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i've been tucking all my hair into a hat and i lowkey like it???

Deleted user

i've been tucking all my hair into a hat and i lowkey like it???

cool lmao

Deleted user

on the topic of hair

I wanna cut my hair again, if you know what I look like, what would be better, shaving it completely {buzzcut}, or getting sumtin like this?

@The-Magician group

I had an experience that I probably should have died from, but I was perfectly fine so… shrug

I’ve probably already mentioned this before, but it involved powdered bleach when I was a younger being. If I wasn’t taken to the hospital straight away then it would have disintegrated my insides out so… oh well

Deleted user

When I was a baby my heart would stop a bunch
I permanently injured my knee due to it not healing correctly.