forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Today's Aesthetic: Sweater weather and my new glasses

I demand proof

Like here or…..

insta meeeee

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when no one at school likes you because of you being genderfluid and when your showchoir girls find out your bi and say shit behind your back, like c'mon….i'm not a damn sickness……i won't touch you in a bad way……like dude..

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how is one supposed to come out to really passionate christian school / family ?

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how is one supposed to come out to really passionate christian school / family ?

thats a good question

like honestly, my parents don't know i'm actually bisexual, and like only one person at my school knows and i'd like to come out before i graduate next year-

@Moxie group

I mean . . . would you be safe?
Would they kick you out?
Would people at school bully you?

A lot of people think they need to come out. But you don't always need to. Sometimes its safer to just not. I was dead set on coming out when I turned 18, but I eventually decided against it, because I don't know what would happen, but I know it would be dangerous on some level, and its not that important to me to come out to my parents. Whats important to me is that I can be myself and date who I want to date, but when I'm 18 I'll go off to college, and I can do that anyway.

It's all about safety.

@Moxie group

Okay with the school thing, just be open about it. I mean if you want to make some big announcement in front of the school, you can. Or you can just casually mention that people of the same sex look hot or whatever, and make gay jokes. Thats what I would do. And people will either figure it out, or they'll ask you.


Today's Aesthetic: the literal same PJ's i've been wearing since sunday. i feel gross but have no energy to care!! this is fine!! everything is f i n e !!!
literally can someone just give me the biggest hug and tell me it's gonna be fine or is that too much to ask for lmao??

@Moxie group

Today's Aesthetic: the literal same PJ's i've been wearing since sunday. i feel gross but have no energy to care!! this is fine!! everything is f i n e !!!
literally can someone just give me the biggest hug and tell me it's gonna be fine or is that too much to ask for lmao??

I would if I could bb <3

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My parents already don't believe in it, nor support those of the community. I can't even have friends like that, or watch shows with it in them, though I do anyways secretly. My school has a few people of our sorts that'd come out, 6/800 students maybe? It's not a good amount, honestly I'd be one of such small amounts. I don't think it's a good time, if anything, but it's getting to the point where I at least want to say something? I don't know if I sound sensible, honestly, maybe I'm confused.


yeah before anything else, you need to be safe my friends. coming out doesn't actually matter as much as you think it does. obviously if you want to and you're safe, you should but not everyone in your life needs to know everything. as for how, that's up to you. personally, i probably do better with notes/texts or casually saying it in passing but that's just me! you can do the whole entire sitting down and talking if that's your thing. really tho, it's up to you. your identity is your business and you get to decide what to do

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They just eves dropped on me talk to my friend whom knows i am bi and gender fluid , and since then they act like im just nasty……

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They just eves dropped on me talk to my friend who knows i am bi and gender fluid , and since then they act like im just nasty……

terrible people exist friendo, im sorry you're going through that. these people want to get my size 9 through their teeth I swear. it really shouldn't be a problem if it doesn't affect them right?

my advice is: be yourself if they don't like it it's their problem


Today's Aesthetic: the literal same PJ's i've been wearing since sunday. i feel gross but have no energy to care!! this is fine!! everything is f i n e !!!
literally can someone just give me the biggest hug and tell me it's gonna be fine or is that too much to ask for lmao??

big big big big big biggestest hugs
It’s gonna be okay, fren <3

@Elder-God-Whisper work

HELP I AM HAVING A CRISIS I've called myself genderfluid for a while now (even tho i'm not even out to anyone lol) but lately I've only ever been feeling masculine so am I just trans???? IM SO CONFUSED cries

Hey. I'm genderfluid too. Genderfluid doesn't always mean you switch from one day to the next. It could even mean you switch from year to year, or longer. If you've felt other genders in the past, then you're genderfluid, you just have bigger periods of each female, male, and/or non-binary

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They just eves dropped on me talk to my friend who knows i am bi and gender fluid , and since then they act like im just nasty……

terrible people exist friendo, im sorry you're going through that. these people want to get my size 9 through their teeth I swear. it really shouldn't be a problem if it doesn't affect them right?

my advice is: be yourself if they don't like it it's their problem

i just figured vent it out, only thing rn i have that's bothering me, other than that im peachy, and thanks




i was also rejected, only the opposite: my crush is gay and is datiNG a close friend of mine and i just AGGGHHH