forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I'm so fucking tired, jeez.
Three kids in my class are sick and I'm gonna get sick.


Today’s aesthetic: My voice fecking hurts because I’ve been forcing it to be high for too long.

Hello, sgadan is back from the dead and hereby dubbing you, @Coffee , an honorary Éireannach for your most adept and masterful usage of the legendary f-word. Comhghairdeachas leat, a chara.

@The-Magician group

Today’s aesthetic: My voice fecking hurts because I’ve been forcing it to be high for too long.

Hello, sgadan is back from the dead and hereby dubbing you, @Coffee , an honorary Éireannach for your most adept and masterful usage of the legendary f-word. Comhghairdeachas leat, a chara.

Ah! Go raibh maith agat! I really appreciate that 😊

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Today's Aesthetic : Black oversized sweatshirt thing and jeans that are shrinking my body because they're tight as H*ll-

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Today’s aesthetic: I’m a confident happy bean, I will make everyone smile, and help as many people as possible.

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Today's Aesthetic: Ow, ow, ow, ow, it hurts to live, ow, ow, ow.
Aka, my brain is screaming lol

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Todays aesthetic: that one battery vine that starts with AAA and then gets progressively louder

@Elder-God-Whisper work

how tf does one make an @???

You start by typing an @ and follow with the username of the person you want to @. Some users usernames though, aren't compatible with the @ function, and in that case, you can't.

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Today's aesthetic: Luna isn't lonely anymore! also look like i just rolled out of bed.

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(I'm joining because I'm lonely and bored)

Today's aesthetic: dark colors because dysphoria is a bitch

@Becfromthedead group

At common ground (my school's equivalent to GSA) last night, we had a whole talk about queer fashion and aesthetics, and it was honestly a really cool conversation, especially since I'm trying to dress more "bi" I guess? Like I don't wanna be read as straight, and we all talked about that.
(So on that note, today's aesthetic: oversized navy pullover, gray jeans, very bisexual-looking lace-up boots, and my hair tucked back into a soft, pink beanie so you can only see my bangs.)