forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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When you’re not out at home and you’re parents (and extended family) are casually homophobic so you know they would never really ‘get it’ if you did come out, so you really feel like you just can’t come out to them. But it’s pride month and you want to be really out and proud and just revel in the pride of your sexuality and how no one can bring you down for loving who you want but then the crushing reality of discrimination just makes you want to cry because you know that you will always face problems that just don’t exist for a heterosexual person in this heteronormative world.


oh my grekfgjeskd
so i was talkin to a girl and we were sharing crush stories and i was telling her abt this rlly cute barista girl at starbucks who i used to have a thing for and halfway through the story i realized i'd have to change the pronouns but i didnt stop on time so i said "shhhhh,,,,,,,he was-" and then awkwardly continued the sentence as if nothing had happened and long story short she didnt catch on but kill me

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A classmate just said being gay was weird and disgusting who wants to kick him where the sun don't shine?

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Me!!! I will definitely do that. Where is he, I call dibs on first kick!

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He's sulking in the corner and wishes he hadn't said anything XD also he's here with me right now

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This is my friend speaking he's typing right now:
I apologize I didn't mean to hurt your feelings can you guys forgive me. BTW I am bi.

@HighPockets group

This is my friend speaking he's typing right now:
I apologize I didn't mean to hurt your feelings can you guys forgive me. BTW I am bi.

Hmmmm sounds fake but ok


,,,,,,,,,,if he's bi,,,,,,,,,,,why would he,,,,,,,,,,say that,,,,,,,,,,

Exactly. And if he's using it as an excuse, let him know that his sexuality does not account for what he says.

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I just feel asleep on the floor of my bedroom and I woke up to my mom standing I front of me holding rain pants…?

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,,,,,,,,,,if he's bi,,,,,,,,,,,why would he,,,,,,,,,,say that,,,,,,,,,,

Exactly. And if he's using it as an excuse, let him know that his sexuality does not account for what he says.

Yeah my friend and I were shocked too sooooooo I don't know if that's the truth or a lie


My mom is nagging at me to shave my legs even though I don't want to and she said I would look SUPER masculine if I don't I was so so so happy inside and the she asked do you not feel feminine or something and I lied saying no
Cause I don't know how she will react and I'm dying inside from this

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What are rain pants?

Idek… It's what she said they were. I'm never going to wear them…


"wow Spiderman you're pretty homophobic."
Random quote from a video. No context needed

I don't know if I should be concerned or angry

@Knight-Shives group

"wow Spiderman you're pretty homophobic."
Random quote from a video. No context needed

I don't know if I should be concerned or angry

Want me to explain?