forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Oof, I have not been here for a loooooong time.
I'll introduce myself for any newbies.
Hey, I'm Logan, he/they pronouns!


Hi. I'm MJ. I'm bi as hell. But mostly I just like to scream that I'm GAY AS FUCK. Cause. GIRLS. She/her pronouns!

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Everyone keeps asking, so….

I'm Whisper on this site, but IRL I'm a biological female who's birth name is Abby, but I'm non-binary and want to be called Link IRL, but do I get that? NOOOOOO. I'm also a Demisexual Bisexual. Pronouns don't matter to me.

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Camie, bisexual [extreme closeted, I think sadly…], She/Her, female

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hEy… I figured out a thing, and I feel kinda awkward? I guess? I don't know who to talk to about it, but you guys seem pretty welcoming, and knowledgeable so, uh, here goes I guess.. I recently came across the terms "demisexual" and "demiromantic". I am heterosexual, and I do identify as my biological gender, but when it comes to romance and attraction, I've always been a bit confused. I did more research on demisexuality and stuff, and it just really clicked. I've always had to explain to people that I just didn't "have a crush" or found cute guys walking past particularly attractive to me. Like, I know what attractiveness looks like and I know that I am heterosexual, I just don't feel it? If that makes sense? I never had a childhood crush or anything, and a lot of my friends thought/think I'm ace because I don't get crushes. I've only ever been attracted to one person. We became pretty much best friends over a year. I'm not one to share my emotions (which is why this is so awkward to post), but I really felt safe talking to him about them. We were both really open about everything, so I guess we kinda formed a bond. Then the attraction began (wOaH mY fiRsT cRusH). We started to have a little romance thing going, and that was the only time I had ever had romantic or attractive feelings towards someone. It was nice. Really nice. I knew for sure that I was in love. Recently, we decided to stay friends. I'm not heartbroken because it's really best for the both of us, plus we're still really close, so it's not like I lost him or anything- I still love him, platonically, so everything's good. Still best friends. But I had a feeling I wasn't going to have another crush for a very, very, long time. Probably a couple years. Tbh, that kinda makes me sad. I really liked experiencing romance and attraction, but for me, I can't just "get a crush" like all my other female friends. When I started researching demisexuality, the whole "has to have an emotional bond before attraction starts" really made sense to me. Even before my first crush, this is just how I thought. But, like I said, I'm not emotional person and I'm not one to easily form emotional bonds. So it's gunna be a while, a long while, before I'm ever gunna experience romance/attraction again. Idk if this is even a big deal or anything, it probably isn't. I just wondered if there's anyone like that too. I kinda wish I could have regular crushes and experience attraction like other people. But I just can't. It's taken a bit, but I've accepted the fact that I'm demisexual/demiromantic. It has cleared a lot of confusion, but I'm not exactly happy. Idk.

@Knight-Shives group

I've realized over the past year that it's ok and I could be wrong about being pan. Though I don't think I'm totally gay. One of my friends (she has a boyfriend) jokingly flirts with me because she knows it makes me slightly uncomfortable. Mostly because I don't know how to respond. Also weirdest part about it, she told me she used to be bi. Now she just doesn't agree with people being lgbtg+ so basically she slightly homophobic now. But she does jokingly flirt with me.


I've realized over the past year that it's ok and I could be wrong about being pan. Though I don't think I'm totally gay. One of my friends (she has a boyfriend) jokingly flirts with me because she knows it makes me slightly uncomfortable. Mostly because I don't know how to respond. Also weirdest part about it, she told me she used to be bi. Now she just doesn't agree with people being lgbtg+ so basically she slightly homophobic now. But she does jokingly flirt with me.

shes got internalized homophobia, 98% chance she's queer

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So, with what I said being said… any other demisexual/romantic peeps going through similar shtuff? It'd be nice to know I'm not so alone lol.


So, with what I said being said… any other demisexual/romantic peeps going through similar shtuff? It'd be nice to know I'm not so alone lol.

I can see where you're coming from, that stuff can be tough. I'm not demi, but I am genderfluid and so I sometimes wish I was like everyone else and didn't have to constantly assess who I am and didn't have to feel awkward always going into the girl's restroom when I don't feel like a girl. It can be annoying being different from the norm. I get it.


You know what's annoying? Being bisexual and having everyone telling you that you're "confused" or "need to pick one gender" or, OR, that you're "just faking it cause you're trying to fit in." AHAHAHA I'm fine.

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@Euric_Knight and @Emmylove-Is-FINALLY-Done-With-School thx, it means alot that someone's listening :)

Also, @Emmylove-Is-FINALLY-Done-With-School that sucks they dont get how you feel. I hope they understand one day.


You think it’s bad being on the bisexual swing huh
Well lemme tell you how it is on the pan merry go round


You think it’s bad being on the bisexual swing huh
Well lemme tell you how it is on the pan merry go round

See, I'm not really sure about my sexuality, because I was confused about the term "pansexual" when I first heard it, and didn't really understand it. But now that I understand it more, I mean, I'd be fine with dating a non-binary, genderfluid, trans, or like… literally anyone… so, I mean… now I'm just confused even more.


So, with what I said being said… any other demisexual/romantic peeps going through similar shtuff? It'd be nice to know I'm not so alone lol.

I can see where you're coming from, that stuff can be tough. I'm not demi, but I am genderfluid and so I sometimes wish I was like everyone else and didn't have to constantly assess who I am and didn't have to feel awkward always going into the girl's restroom when I don't feel like a girl. It can be annoying being different from the norm. I get it.

I feel the same @Euric_Knight. I'm genderfluid too, but I was born female.