forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Yeah me too my schools very open about that stuff, especially the people im friends and acquainted with

Yeah I know two bi girls, three pan girls, at least 2 lesbians, two trans guys, a gay guy, and a bi guy and there's more people I don't know as well,

there are a little more than 20 lgbtqia+ people (that I know of) in my grade alone, and far more in other grades. so many. there's something in the water where i live i swear, here when it comes to half the people it's assume queer until proven otherwise


in AP euro the other day the teacher asked "does anyone know what land reform is?" and this one kid at my table said, in a different conversation but loud enough for all to hear, "That's pretty gay." and like it was a mistake but he's probably right?? We kinda had to take a laughing break for a minute it was hilarious.

in AP world we were talking about homosexuality and the patriarchy in ancient greece and someone goes "is it patriarchal because women homosexuals weren't allowed?" and my teacher goes "firstly, homosexual women are called lesbians, and THE ISLAND OF LESBOS" and i just went OFF and yelled about sappho and the island lesbos and my teacher sort of stared at me in awe

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puts on Ace Jordans


finger guns

remember the finger guns thread?

finger guns in recollection remember thaaaat


u guys do fun things for halloween???????

i cancelled all my potential plans because I had a math test and then I found out it was a take home test and if I had known that beforehand I would've been able to go out and do stuff so instead I sat in my room in the costume id been wearing all day and watched halloween themed youtube videos and ate candy.

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I went trick or treating with my freind but had to go home becuase I hurt my foot earlier in the day

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Hi guys! Just got back from my LGBTQIA+ youth group, and I made a new friend! They're a really great person, and even though I'm really tired, I can't wait to get back next week. How are you?