forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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You'll be okay Duskie. If you need help, find a way to WI and I'll take you in.

I live in Orlando so that probably won't happen.

@HighPockets group

You'll be okay Duskie. If you need help, find a way to WI and I'll take you in.

I live in Orlando so that probably won't happen.


Owo??? WHats This??

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhHi all
Im Deepti I am 15
BiG HomoSexual
I use She/They btw
uhhh I like,,,,,,P!Atd, Marina (used to use and the Diamonds), The Regrettes, BORNS, and also like
a ton of musicals (im into Young Frankenstein, Fun Home, Heathers, Mean Girls, The Drowsy Chaparone, and yeah!)
Im also really into art. so yeah!alksdjglkjslgkjasldkgjaslkdgj

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

Hey, I'm here now. I'm bi so yeah…my family doesn't know, only three people know, I want to tell my best friend but I don't know how…can anybody help? I don't want her to think that I like her or that when we joke around about loving each other that I'm hitting on her because she's just my best friend and I don't want to scare her off…if that makes any sense at all.


Hey, I'm here now. I'm bi so yeah…my family doesn't know, only three people know, I want to tell my best friend but I don't know how…can anybody help? I don't want her to think that I like her or that when we joke around about loving each other that I'm hitting on her because she's just my best friend and I don't want to scare her off…if that makes any sense at all.

For me I just kinda told my friends about that I was bi and they were super excepting, one of my friends even said she was bi too. I don't completely know your situation, but my best advice is just go for it. Just know that some questions may rise.


I'm a lesbian and a lot of people knew it at my old school but a group of us are now going to a new school and my friend was being bothered about our friendship and how we were "dating" and my friend told him about my sexuality and now the kid is still bothering my friends and I about him dating us and I don't know what to do. The kid also looks at me weird now…


Hey, I'm here now. I'm bi so yeah…my family doesn't know, only three people know, I want to tell my best friend but I don't know how…can anybody help? I don't want her to think that I like her or that when we joke around about loving each other that I'm hitting on her because she's just my best friend and I don't want to scare her off…if that makes any sense at all.

Does your friend support the LGBT+ community? Because if they do, then it’s probably safe. If they don’t, then it probably isn’t.

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

Does your friend support the LGBT+ community? Because if they do, then it’s probably safe. If they don’t, then it probably isn’t.

I think so, one of my other close friends is gay and she's alright with him but I'm afraid she'll feel different if it's me. With my other friend, she doesn't have to worry about him hitting on her or anything, but with me we're the same gender so I'm just worried that she'll think that I was hitting on her throughout our entire friendship.


I don't know about your friend or anyone else, but I get super excited when people come out to me. I just feel so happy that they trust me with something that means so much to them and it makes me feel super giddy.


Yeh I'm friends with people from our like pride squad and they are so open its great, I was joking with my friend about dicks (we are so mature) and I was like "this sounds like a cheesy joke like 2 asexuals walk into a bar talking about dicks")


Oof I'm really new here, and just generally gay. My family doesn't know. My mom would just send me to bible camp or something if she did sooooo


I'm curious about this too, tbh. I'm non-binary but I'm not out yet, so I generally just use the women's restroom because everyone thinks I'm a girl. But like to be honest, if/when I was/will be out I'll probably just use the same like, I don't need a urinal and I just need to it over with right? idk, any other peeps with more thoughts please help me out here, lol. Sorry, I can't help you out with that. Anyone that knows about the prince/princess thing please tell, I'm curious. Those are good questions.