forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers


@"ConnieTheMediator " id go back a few pages and read the discussion. it was a kinda random rabbit trail into wonderland tbh


yeah, im officially very confused. who wants leftover halloween candy? who wants to play with the artificial spiderweb deorations? who wants to wrap up their siblings and pretend you're in the Hobbit movie?
Who wants to listen to Christmas music!!!! Who wants to stare at a google doc you're supposed to be editing for hours and call it work? Who's procrastinating horrendously and knows it? ………. Where did this go? What even is my brain?
lol whatevs


Did I confuse you? Sorry! I didnt mean to confuse or frighten you fam. Im honestly just bored and procrastinating on homework by being on here and writing/ editing my story that im working on.
My ADHD brain got away from me a bit and… tbh I have no idea what that was.
I was legitimately referencing a scene from the second Hobbit movie tho! And also im the one procrastinating and staring at google docs so…….. yeah. shrug
my brain is strange sometimes

@Moxie group

I bet my mother suspects I'm not completely straight. Which is terrifying. When I come out its gonna be an extremely disappointed but not surprised kinda situation
finger guns

Deleted user

can i just die pleassssssee? goshhhhh i dont wanna come out

You dont have to
But you can't die

saaaaaayssssss who?


can i just die pleassssssee? goshhhhh i dont wanna come out

You dont have to
But you can't die

saaaaaayssssss who?


Deleted user

hooooooooop on innnnnnnnnnnnnnn fren!
I'm Connie, your normal, suicidal, depressed, anxious and forgotten lil' polysexual bean.


hooooooooop on innnnnnnnnnnnnnn fren!
I'm Connie, your normal, suicidal, depressed, anxious and forgotten lil' polysexual bean.

connie no dying
dying = bad
(I'll die in your place instead tho)