forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I honestly dont know what I am, all I know is that Girls are Pretty and Sex is Weird

Deleted user

I honestly dont know what I am, all I know is that Girls are Pretty and Sex is Weird

Girls are very very very pretty!!

and they smell nice


I honestly dont know what I am, all I know is that Girls are Pretty and Sex is Weird

Girls are very very very pretty!!

and they smell nice

…most of them


Okay, pun incoming:

Me: I have a card trick that I like to call "five aces"?
Person: There are only four aces in a deck of cards.
Me: Ohh, right. I guess I'm the fifth ace

idk if that's any good, but I tried.


Okay, pun incoming:

Me: I have a card trick that I like to call "five aces"?
Person: There are only four aces in a deck of cards.
Me: Ohh, right. I guess I'm the fifth ace

idk if that's any good, but I tried.



an idea for if I ever come out: I'll just wait until someone mentions my 'gender' and then I laugh but really cornily like "haha. gender." and then I get to come out as nb and it will be perfect. in like, ten million years, but still. maybe. someday.

@Becfromthedead group

Not really, but they’re frequently connected. Aces are sometimes indifferent to sex (maybe they like it but don’t seek or crave it), and sometimes sex-repulsed, and sometimes in the middle. And I’m sure some people find it gross but still want it/there are other situations where someone might think it’s gross but not id as ace? But I don’t know much about the latter part.