forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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While Hestia and Artemis were both total aro-aces, Athena actually had multiple children. She didn't have sex at all though, so I can see her being ace as well.

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And Zeus had sex with anything that moved, so what does that make him?

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And Zeus had sex with anything that moved, so what does that make him?

Have you seen that one session of texts this guy has with his dog… and it’s like…

“Well what are you attracted to?”

And the dog lists off all of this stuff

Then the owner is like, “Right, you’re Globalsexual”.

That’s what Zeus is.


Apollo was very very very pansexual.

As a pansexual child of Apollo this makes me extremely happy
Also I don't understand how I never noticed this before


So, in my Sunday School class, we were saying how (crap i forget what lol), and how people are like, "Well, (insert famous dude's name) was really gay." And then people started naming random people. Like, completely random famous people. NOT EVERYTHING IS GAY. I facepalmed so hard that day.

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Oh my gosh, me too! Well, not the same class, more MY WHOLE FREAKING SCHOOL but whatever. It's fine. This is fine.

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Well, tomorrow I get to see my LGBTQ+ pals at Pride Youth, so that's cool. I have a reason to keep living. But I'm really glad I found that youth group, I had been having a major depressive episode, and it really helped me pull out of it and get through the depression and negative thoughts.

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So how is everyone today then? Or something. I'm bad at small talk.