forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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My school doesn't have a pride club either…maybe I should talk to some of my friends and see if we can get the school to do that…We have this thing called "club pride", but it doesn't have anything to do with LGBTQ+. It's just dancing and skits where the message or something is just "don't drink" or "don't smoke" or smth.


There was this kid who had to say some thing to some other kid for some game (they were both guys), and this one kid was super uncomfortable, and this younger kid said with so much seriousness, "Don't worry! This doesn't make you gay!"


I'm out, at least that I'm ace. Not a whole lot of people know that I'm panromantic.

I told my mom and she said "DoN't LiMiT yOuRsElF!1!1!1!!" Lmao I just find it hilarious bc panromantic is literally "I don't care what your gender is I'm game"

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hey guys sorry for the self-promo but i spent so much time on my rp 'a battle of fae and mages' and no one's joining and hhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHH


I think I have a problem and I have no idea what to do about it. So I'm not out as non-binary to anyone except my sister and like… this chat room obvsly. The problemo is, that I'm basically positive one of my good friends has a crush on me - or rather who he thinks I am. And like… I like him too but I don't want to show that I return those feelings because, unfortunately, I live in a community where almost everyone (including him) thinks non-binary people aren't real, and that anyone in the lgbt+ community needs to 'repent' and I know he'd be really weirded out and possibly stop talking to me if I told him I was non-binary. He's just really super nice, and he's always saying how funny and cool I am and I don't want to lose this friendship, but I know he wouldn't like me if he knew the truth. Any thoughts? I'm super frustrated about this.