forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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me, being asexual, doesn't feel like she's completely straight, because, while I do have romantic feelings, I don't have sexual feelings. So I don't feel quite straight, but I don't feel LGTBQ either…

ya feel me?


Question, I've always wondered this but never really asked. What does transsexual mean? I know what transgender means, but transsexual's just not something I know the meaning of. Please don't take this as me being a bitch, I just hear the term come up every now and then and never really understood what it is.

@Becfromthedead group

me, being asexual, doesn't feel like she's completely straight, because, while I do have romantic feelings, I don't have sexual feelings. So I don't feel quite straight, but I don't feel LGTBQ either…

ya feel me?

Same! Except I'm demisexual/romantic.

@Becfromthedead group

Question, I've always wondered this but never really asked. What does transsexual mean? I know what transgender means, but transsexual's just not something I know the meaning of. Please don't take this as me being a bitch, I just hear the term come up every now and then and never really understood what it is.

I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure it refers to someone who has fully physically transitioned from one sex to the other? Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Deleted user

Can I name them all?



Polysexual, polyamorous….

@Becfromthedead group

Romantic attraction only after emotional bonds have formed. It can include attraction to other genders, but I'm not sure what genders I'm attracted to tbh. I'm dating a guy, and I mean, I'm attracted to him.

@HighPockets group

So…..I kind of came out?
I was talking with my drama club people and one was talking about her boyfriend, and she turns to my friend and I and goes, "Are you straight?" And my friend said 'yeah' and I was like 'Uhhhhhhh' and then my friend covered for me and said I was questioning(even though I'm out to her, she didn't want to out me and I wasn't sure if they'd think I was weird for being ace so yeah) and they said "Well, we'll find you a man or a woman. Or a nonbinary person, we don't discriminate." Honestly I fricking LOVE these people ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!1


Aw that's so amazing!!! I am so so happy for you that you've found such an awesome group of friends, they sound so supportive and phenomenal!


So I already knew this but kind of blanked when I discovered the term asexual, but…

Y'know Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon? SHE'S ACE AND IT FEELS GREAT TO RELATE TO A FRICK FRACKING GODDESS

And this has been a quick PSA. XD


So is Hestia and Athena. Just some fun Ace facts :)
They are the three maiden goddesses, and two of them are freaking awesome. They don't need no man.