forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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also the amount of homosexuality amongst gods in greek mythology is huge
let's not even talk about Apollo damn that was one bi as frick dude

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there's literally nothing against homo in the bible


I did my whole freaking end of year writing essay on that stupid 'man shall not lay with man' passage and I won top essay in the class


Nice. I aspire to be like you XD

In all seriousness, though, if I brought up anything with religion, I'd probably get in huge trouble because that's just the type of school I go to. Not that I mind, being agnostic AF. Lol

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Hey guys! Guess what? I'm finally getting involved in the LGBTQ+ youth program in my town! Super excited, my first official meeting with it's members is this Thursday if scheduling works out.


Nice. I aspire to be like you XD

In all seriousness, though, if I brought up anything with religion, I'd probably get in huge trouble because that's just the type of school I go to. Not that I mind, being agnostic AF. Lol

Lol i’m An ex-Catholic ex-Christian agnostic but my family is far too religious for that so I have to keep it a secret.

@HighPockets group

I did my whole freaking end of year writing essay on that stupid 'man shall not lay with man' passage and I won top essay in the class

I read something that said that verse was actually 'man shall not lie with child' and it was lost in translation, along with how the snake in Genesis was originally a dragon.

@HighPockets group

Yeah me too my schools very open about that stuff, especially the people im friends and acquainted with

Yeah I know two bi girls, three pan girls, at least 2 lesbians, two trans guys, a gay guy, and a bi guy and there's more people I don't know as well,

@HighPockets group

I go to a surprisingly pretty open Catholic school where there are a crap tone of out queer people, it’s pretty rad.

Lol at my old Catholic school there were these two guys that did push ups on top of each other in Phys Ed and everyone shipped them.

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Y'know the Greeks had, like, no concept of being straight. Literally, everyone had sex with everyone regardless of gender. Sleeping with fellow soldiers was actually encouraged in the army because it increased unity and made everyone closer. In one city-state (Sparta, I think) wives were encouraged to shave their heads so their husbands could transition from sleeping with men to sleeping with women more easily.

Tldr; Greeks were very homo.

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Really? Ceaser got slut-shamed by Cicero (I think… just going off my memory right now) because he slept with too many people, guys and girls. He got called "The husband to all wives and the wife to all husbands"

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People always try to erase all of Apollo's guy lovers which makes me really sad. He didn't fail at flirting with girls, he failed at flirting with everyone. He was as Bi as you could fucking get.

Deleted user

Yeah, everything gets all straight-washed and it's really sad. You know there was a Babylonian myth about the first agender person and how they saved the world?


I was in English class last week and we were talking about Greek mythology and some dude that sits near me said something about homophobia in the story and I immediately started explaining to him how bisexuality is normal in ancient greece.

Deleted user

People forget that heterosexuality wasn't a thing during most of history.


Yeah, everything gets all straight-washed and it's really sad. You know there was a Babylonian myth about the first agender person and how they saved the world?

I heard about that! I thought it was pretty cool tbh.

Honestly a lot of history was just "lol do whoever" as far as gender and stuff…


me and a friend were researching john laurens for a project and dude he was g a y for hamilton and some websites tried so soo sooo hard to make it straight but like you cant change facts