forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers


I'd do it, but then again I'm not you. If you feel comfortable coming out to these people, then do it! A little bit of advice, though. If you want to keep it between you and them, make sure you say that. Don't want a misunderstanding or something and wind up with a huge mess.

@HighPockets group

I'd do it, but then again I'm not you. If you feel comfortable coming out to these people, then do it! A little bit of advice, though. If you want to keep it between you and them, make sure you say that. Don't want a misunderstanding or something and wind up with a huge mess.

Thanks! I'll keep that in mind!

Deleted user

I just went to a Dia de Los Muertos parade and it was rad as hell! Just wanted to gush over all the super talented people and all their amazing work, even though I don't know them.

@HighPockets group

I just went to a Dia de Los Muertos parade and it was rad as hell! Just wanted to gush over all the super talented people and all their amazing work, even though I don't know them.

Dia de los Muertos is honestly an amazing holiday, I love that it celebrates life without fearing death. It's a lot like my feelings about death: It's gonna happen, so make the most of life before it comes and don't fear it.

Deleted user

Dude, it was so rad. I'm going to try and send a couple photos.


guys i'm really sad! I have class on Halloween from 7:40- 9:05 AT NIGHT and I have a MATH TEST!!!! :(
i'm so disappointed right now! like, I may be 18 but I certainly look 12 and Im always down for free candy and im upset that I don't get to go trick or treating with my friends from home (aka, not college) since I really miss them. this will be my first year NOT trick or treating… 'adulthood' kinda sucks :(

also I kinda came out to my roommate… like I mentioned that i'm ace and she just kinda laughed and said like 'lol me too,' so its kinda hard to know if she knew i was joking or not and I kinda don't wanna ask her directly as that feels kinda awkward so…… advice?? opinions?? anything??

@Becfromthedead group

Ahhh, I'm sorry. I've got the same deal with this being my first year not trick-or-treating because I'm in college, so I feel you.
As for advice, I'm not great at that stuff, but I don't think it'll hurt to be direct unless she's actually aphobic, in which case I'm very sorry.
I told my boyfriend that I'm ace-spec, and he just doesn't get it and sees it as him not being good enough for me (in which case no one's good enough for me because I don't like anyone else!), but whatever. It's not fair. He's bi, and I could not care less that he feels some attraction towards men. Yet when I'm demisexual, his only response is, "so you don't think I'm hot?" And I know he was sort of joking, but I want to be taken seriously. Ughhh he's an amazing person, but this is the one thing that frustrates me.


aw that really sucks I'm sorry
'adulthood' does sound really sucky, I guess just sort of teen-it-up when you're alone oof

The coming out part is great, good for you! I don't know your roommate as a person, but does she seem like the kind of person who would joke around about their sexuality? I'd just recommend bringing it up in small parts of conversation, casually, like for example if you're ever watching a movie/show together and you get to a romance scene, you could literally say 'ha can't relate', and see if she also says 'me too' again. Little confirmations like these will help in the long run
It's not really stellar advice sorry, hope it helps though


It's easier just to go with SAGA honestly lmao
(Sexuality and Gender Acceptance)
So yeah if you don't want to remember a bunch of letters, just go with SAGA, Topaz