forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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NoNo, I mean it in the best possible way. You seem like someone who would be in my friend group at school lol. It was nice chatting with you for a bit, but its like 11:30 where i am on a school night and I'm trying this thing called sleep. I'll report the results to you tomorrow if I can. Goodnight loves.

@TeamMezzo group

kay so i was at a show that i was doing and it was closing night and this kid and i were talking about math and i'm already out to the entire girls dressing room at this point but not him cuz he's not a girl so-
ANYWAY he was like "Algebra's gay to be honest" and i said "OHH! No wonder i like it so much!" and he was just shooketh it was amazing


Surprisingly I don't feel like my soul is being sucked out of my body right now so I have come to grace you all with my magnificent presence


Can anyone else crack like…every joint in their body?
I scared one of my friends by cracking all of my fingers, and then my wrists.

I can't crack my wrists, but I can crack all of the joints in my fingers, my neck, my knees, my ankles, and my back

Deleted user

Can anyone else crack like…every joint in their body?
I scared one of my friends by cracking all of my fingers, and then my wrists.

Dude that is the best feeling ever. You feel so loosey goosey. Like coming home from the chiropractor.

@HighPockets group

Can anyone else crack like…every joint in their body?
I scared one of my friends by cracking all of my fingers, and then my wrists.

Dude that is the best feeling ever. You feel so loosey goosey. Like coming home from the chiropractor.

It's just like
Crunch crack pop craaaaaack!


I just

too much gay emotion