forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I found grey, purple and white string I just have to find my black! I know I have some black at school and im really hoping that isnt the only one I have because I'm sure I've bought black thread like 3 other times

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im wearing a black sweatshirt with gray sweatpants and a white shrirt, i have nothing purple…

@HighPockets group

Uhhhh…I'm wearing jeans and my city pride shirt to celebrate our downtown reopening after 4 months of repairs after the explosion.
Also I forgot to dress in ace colors today

@HighPockets group

YES!!! So in one story, one of my MCs, Niko is demi, and then another guy, Asa is gay/ace. And in another story, the MC, Marcel, is aro/ace and one of the subplots is that he’s royalty and is expected to marry to continue the bloodline. And in another, I have the lead female, Valkyrie, who is demi, and the lead male, Aurelius, who is pan/ace.
(Sorry I love them all a lot and I could talk all day about my ace characters because they’re so underrepresented in the media)

I have Samuel, who is biromantic and asexual.
Joan is demiromantic asexual.
Nich is aro-ace (and he's like the charming con artist one I'm so excited for this because everyone expects the con artist to have like a million SOs but he just acts charming because he finds it fun and amusing)
Asher is aro-ace.
Peggy is demiromantic pansexual.
Therese is a demiromantic demisexual lesbian.
Fern is demiromantic demisexual.
Same with Huxley.
Oliver is greyromantic greysexual (and a crap ton of people are crushing hard on him, including Jon included.
This may or may not be because Oliver resembles Sebastian Stan
Nell is homoromantic greysexual.
Leah is demiromantic demisexual.
amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) is panromantic asexual.
Theo is demiromantic demisexual.
(also a majority of the ones who are demi are also bi-, pan-, or poly-romantic/sexual but I didn't want to take forever typing that out because I'm lazy.)
Jackson is aromantic pansexual.
Geneva is greyromantic greysexual.


Hi, I'm Mia. I've been on for a little while but am only just starting to use the disscusions. I'm a biromantic asexual, so yeah…nice to meet you? (Sorry i'm really awkward)


hiya! nice to meet you Mia, most people here call me Topaz, and we're all a lil awkward don't worry, welcome to the chat :)
how are you today?

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Howdy! Welcome to Notebook! I’m Emi, the website mom, and Sly is your dad.


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i think i might be ace, or demi.
buuuut im definitely gay for girls

@HighPockets group

I mean if I guy acted like a guy you'd read about in a story, I would like him. But all the guys I know are cringey in a bad way, annoying, homophobic, or just plain dumb.


I just like girls, guys, nonbinary people, gender fluid people, and basically everyone romantically but it's hard to tell what my sexuality is because I haven't actually dated anyone yet :l

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ok so i have a question about polyamorous relationships.
what does a healthy, happy one look like?
just wondering :)

@HighPockets group

I meant polyromantic (attrached to more than 1/2 genders but also not all of them) but I will try to answer based on pinterest.
Basically it says that a healthy poly relationship isn't "X is seeing Y but is also seeing Z behind Y's back" but is "X, Y, and Z are all in a loving relationship" or "X is seeing Y. X is also seeing Z, but Y knows and is okay with it."
I'm not polyamorous so take this with a grain of salt, but that's what I've heard?

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Ive never had a crush so im not even 100% sure of my sexuality but I'd be open to a same sex relationship so I think I'm bi?

I’ve never mooded so hard in my life yeeeessss

Deleted user

xD So am I! Can someone explain to us what the hell that is?

Or are we just



You could possibly be bisexual and demiromantic or the other way around. There's also a possibility that you could be asexual or aromantic. I wouldn't worry about labeling your sexuality, unless it makes you feel good to label it.

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i've never had a crush, but i don't know what it feels like….so maybe i have? idk/