forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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so like during lunch a teacher commented on my rainbow clothes and i was super polite and was all "thanks,, yea thank you hahaha" and smiling and stuff but then the second she turned away I turned to my friends and said ITS GAY and they all started laughing and it was really funny (especially since the teacher totally heard me)

Deleted user

oh wow…
im not really out yet… plus i got… personal problems that need to be taken care of and honestly its a really stressful situation…


yo dudes. just your friendly reminder that no one needs to have themselves completely figured out. it's okay to not be out… you don't have to come out if you don't want to. it's confuzzling at first but things get easier

Deleted user

very confusing
im (i will be using "gay" because im lazy and like… idk) "gay"?


Lmao yeah I call myself gay all the time just to make it easier on not only me but people around me who don't know me well enough for me to explain my full sexuality and gender to them.