forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

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Half related, The word assassin is just ass - ass - in

I think of that 24/7 xD

Deleted user

Oh whats the matter @"Red The Scary Jack-O'-Lantern"
IK IK I am not the one to ask but want to help?????? I can help with this stuff I am helping someone out because there friend Did stuff and is now in heaven. I tried to put that in the nicest way possible

Deleted user

I'm between wanting to die or wanting to make someone die

Ac tua lly a mo od

Deleted user

I'm between wanting to die or wanting to make someone die

Ac tua lly a mo od

we all die you either kill yourself of get killed
anyways thats my addition to this conversation

Deleted user

I'm between wanting to die or wanting to make someone die

Ac tua lly a mo od

we all die you either kill yourself of get killed
anyways thats my addition to this conversation



Don't worry I can't kill myself at this point so now I'm left with my McStabby option.

If I ever need help at that level, I'll legit call a hotline or my best friend. No offense to anyone here.

Deleted user

I'm between wanting to die or wanting to make someone die

Ac tua lly a mo od

we all die you either kill yourself of get killed
anyways thats my addition to this conversation


its a vine asshat

Deleted user

Hmmmmmmmm Sorry IG I am not the person to talk to anyways LOL. I try my best to do my best and I am learning everyday every time I am onhere

Deleted user

Hmmmmmmmm Sorry IG I am not the person to talk to anyways LOL. I try my best to do my best and I am learning everyday every time I am onhere

alright. at least you are trying
sorry for being mad

Deleted user

Oh your fine no need to feel sorry for me. And I was just joking and wanted to quote something cause I was bored

Deleted user

And honestly I didn't see it and probally wouldn't have if you didn't say something LOL