forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Yeah, we have a really chill dress code too. As long as you're not wearing a tube top and spandex shorts, you're fine.

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Our dress code is really chill
But at my old school every girl had to wear a plaid green skirt and button up shirt EVERY DAY.


Yeah, we have a really chill dress code too. As long as you're not wearing a tube top and spandex shorts, you're fine.

Maybe the spandex but girls have 100% worn tube tops. I think it’s more of don’t wear a shirt that has like “FUCK” or a weed on it. but like I’ve seen a girl in a Deadpool shirt that probably swore so idk

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One time a girl wore a shirt that literally said “spooky sl*tty skeletons” on it and walked right past the principals so…yanno

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We have a dress code (no revealing clothes, etc) but like no one follows it
crop tops, tube tops, fishnet stockings, short shorts, you name it, we've got it

@HighPockets group

They 'enforce' the school dresscode super inconsistantly. Like, my friend wears spandex every day and sometimes doesn't even look like she's wearing pants, but another girl got dresscoded for wearing a shirt that was exactly one inch above her waistline….like, HOW.

@Becfromthedead group

We had uniforms in high school. They always yelled at all the boys to tuck in their shirts, but never bothered with the girls, even though we wore the same thing. (Black or white polos and black or khaki bottoms. We were also allowed a specific plaid skirt.) Idk, it's hard to mess that up, but it was always the girls that got out of everything, especially because male teachers are afraid to dress code them, in fear that they'll be accused of looking where they shouldn't be looking. I mean, the dress code was mostly fair. No one ever cared about shoulders, though spaghetti straps were out of the question, but crops tops were clearly against the dress code, and some people would come to school showing so much skin. And then people would have the nerve to complain when they got dress coded, even though the rules were clear as day. But yeah, they were really inconsistent about enforcing dress code.

@Moxie group

omg people so today in my math class there's this one kid who sits at my table and he's like really racist and homophobic like he'll talk in an asian accent or an indian accent or use gay for when something is bad and he's usually a really loud person so like if I call him out he's just gonna laugh it off but no one else at my table was paying attention and this conversation ensued:
Him: This math problem is gay
Me: Why is it gay?
Him: Idk it just doesn't make sense and it's dumb. It's gay
Me: Pick a better word
Him: Okay it's whack
And I was like omg we're getting somewhere here but then the other person at our table heard and he started kinda laughing at us and the original dude was like it's queer! I'm like, no. He then said it was straight and I was like lol yeah and laughed at it and the second guy was like what so that's okay? but I just kinda brushed it off cause I didn't wanna out myself.

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in gym this girl knew that some of my friends were les/bi and one's even trans, she knew this and we were walking out to the fields together and she heard us talking and was just like
'You can go be an idiot at home'
LITERALLY because she knew we were gay/bi/trans
and this one girl stopped talking (she's the trans one) and goes up to her and is like
'you can go suck a chuck e cheese pizza'
I'm not joking

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Yes thank you
What are some insults I can give to homophobes

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If they say "You're going to hell."
Say. "Well of course, I have a kingdom to run."

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I don’t get it but ok
What if they say “ewwww that’s gross” or “that’s not healthy” or “what’s wrong w you?”


My friend said that if they say "You're going to hell" to respond with "Well yeah, Satan needs a date."


If someone says you're gross say "Looks like we have something in common."?? Idk I'm not good at insults

Deleted user

That’s pretty good
But how do I support LGTBQ+ while insulting them.

@Becfromthedead group

Well idk. To "that's not healthy," you can always be like, "well, no one's getting pregnant, are they?"
Not really an insult, but honestly such a good point to be made.