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Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

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Remind me to not drink 3 cups of hot chocolate in one day without also drinking a sufficient amount water because not only am I exhausted, but I have a headache and feel just a tad bit sick. Was it worth it? At the time, yes. Now? No. Would I recommend it? No. That is where I stand.

This is a reminder
You fucked up, don't do it again.

Thank you.

Your welcome
another reminder: Putting frozen tatertots in the microwave for two minutes makes them taste like hashbrowns from mickdonalds.

Life hack

Fuck yeah
Also a daily insight: Remeber to fucking charge your phone


Becuase I started to scroll through Tumblr and my phone died


It's at 40 now so I can go back to my scrolling

Deleted user

My life is trash, well my health is.

Then eat well, work out, stay hydrated, and go to sleep a lot. Fitness is well worth the work kiddo.

Can’t really do that with strep.


Remind me to not drink 3 cups of hot chocolate in one day without also drinking a sufficient amount water because not only am I exhausted, but I have a headache and feel just a tad bit sick. Was it worth it? At the time, yes. Now? No. Would I recommend it? No. That is where I stand.

This is a reminder
You fucked up, don't do it again.

Thank you.

Your welcome
another reminder: Putting frozen tatertots in the microwave for two minutes makes them taste like hashbrowns from mickdonalds.

Life hack

Fuck yeah
Also a daily insight: Remeber to fucking charge your phone


Becuase I started to scroll through Tumblr and my phone died


It's at 40 now so I can go back to my scrolling


Deleted user

Uhhh can we stop quoting?



getting back together

Deleted user

I’m commenting this as a test you may ignore. Or don’t. Idc.
