forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers


Ayyy we talking about relationships and how people have had crushes on you because boi do I not have a story to tell.

Tell it!

Reread what I said


Yeah… I used to get a lot of date offers… But my standards are absurdly high… So, yeah…

Shuri: too good for you


I'm 16
Never had a proper crush
Never known anyone to have a crush on me
Never dated
Never been asked out
Never asked someone out
Never kissed anyone
…my love life is none existent but I'm chill with it

@Becfromthedead group

I’ve only had one person ever seriously crush on me that I know of… and we’ve been together for more than two years now. Otherwise, I’ve had a couple of people awkwardly flirt with me, but also they hit on everyone, sooooo
I feel kind of awkward when we talk about it because I didn’t really like him back at first. We were just really good friends and I thought he was a good person, so I just kind of had the attitude of, “what could it hurt?”


Yeah… I used to get a lot of date offers… But my standards are absurdly high… So, yeah…

Shuri: too good for you

Thanks KMart. I just only like high-quality human beings…


Norepine you're lucky because I'm the same with everything but the crush part and my brain just get's frazzled and I want to believe I don't but at the same time I do and I'm pretty frick fracklin sure she doesn't like me back and I'm just a mess


I'm 16
Never had a proper crush
Never known anyone to have a crush on me
Never dated
Never been asked out
Never asked someone out
Never kissed anyone
…my love life is none existent but I'm chill with it

It's good that you're chill with it… Keep looking… You'll find someone!


Yeah… I used to get a lot of date offers… But my standards are absurdly high… So, yeah…

Shuri: too good for you

Thanks KMart. I just only like high-quality human beings…

Then you must like yourself


shuri, ya lucky duck

tho honestly I would make an awful SO so it's probably a good thing I'n not dating anyone atm or ever

I dunno… I don't want to sound like a "the cool guy that's too cool for this" character… But I have to tell a lot of people "No." and such… I mean I sugar-coat it, but still…

And I'm sure you would make a great partner! Keep it up!


Yeah… I used to get a lot of date offers… But my standards are absurdly high… So, yeah…

Shuri: too good for you

Thanks KMart. I just only like high-quality human beings…

Then you must like yourself

I dunno if I'd go that far… I'm certainly above average but I'm nothing truly special…


yeah but shuri you're an amazing person and the best deserves the best

meanwhile I'd be awful bc I would probably lay on my SO all the time bc I'm a sucker for affection


yeah but shuri you're an amazing person and the best deserves the best

meanwhile I'd be awful bc I would probably lay on my SO all the time bc I'm a sucker for affection

Being a sucker for attention ain't bad… I was just cuddling earlier… You be you! You're awesome!