forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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What's your first name, @The-Young-Girl-Child-Women-Thing-That’s-Way-Too-Excited-For-Fairy-Tail’s-Final-Anime-Season-And-Spin-off-Thing-Because-It’s-Fairy-Tail ?

Oh! It’s Kylee. I was actually supposed to be named Paige, but someone stole the name. Then my sister named me. Called I didn’t have the name Paige, it doesn’t fit me though.


I'm honestly afraid to say the words "I feel depressed" because although I'm pretty sure I'm legitimately depressed, no one's going to take me seriously. I can talk to my boyfriend and (sort of) two of my high school friends about it, but that's it. I don't feel like I have things bad enough for others to really care about it. I've never been suicidal or self-harming… just extremely sad and stressed. Uhhhh I cried for 2 hours on Thursday, for example.

i feel like i have an element of everyone on this site.


nods slowly.

i need help
I have this friend (she was on the work crew at summer camp) and she didn't quite seem herself. It had been a while since I saw her, (and I hardly saw her at summer camp) but I know that she was a happy, bubbly person, but at camp, she barely smiled. Sure, they (the work crew) was/were super busy, and tired, but something about her wasn't right. I can sometimes tell (face to face) when something's wrong, and this was kinda suspicious. With me, I smile all the time, and sometimes, an event triggers something and I get sad because of some stupid thing that I did. A few months earlier, I was paging through her art notebooks (with permission) and I came across the page with no art, just words. It said, "people probably don't like me because of my low self confidence" or something like that, and my view of her has never been the same. That was a few months ago, but I dont know…

That's all I can remember for now. If you need specific details, I can probably remember them.


…Well I found something and wanted to share it, but I'm not sure now's necessarily an appropriate time…

Maybe it'll cheer you guys up, at least for a little bit?


Ace= ax
Pan= pistol
Demi= dagger
Aero= (bow and)arrow
Genderqueer= Grappling hook
Genderfluid= Gun
Non-binary= Nzappa-zap (its an ax thing)
Poly= Pike
Bambi lesbian= Bowie Knife
Femme: flamethrower
Butch: boomerang
Bear: bomb
Twink: throwing knives
Queer: quarterstaff
Allies= ammo distributors/holders
All ___romantics still get the weapon

Ax and pistol for me, what about y'all? >:3

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Aaaaaaa Bambi Lesbian is a pair of women and one of which is wither queer/trans etc. and they do not have sexual intercorse.