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Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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i know, right!

this one chick at camp was whining about being depressed (having depression), and I was this close l l to yelling,

also I wanna tell my friend about my depression but I don't see her except we text and i wanna tell her face to face.


Ygdhkldfksadjksdf I hate people who say they're depressed and want to kill themselves jokingly. It really pisses me off. Especially the people who act sincere about having it but don't actually, they just want attention.


Yeah that sucks. I know a girl who says she has depression even though she doesn't, she just wants attention. It's really annoying and horrible.

Deleted user

I hate people like that! I’m actually depressed and I have anxiety, it’s documented by real professional doctors! Is there’s? No! And they don’t even have any symptoms! They just want attention or for people who actually have it feel guilty because ‘theirs is worse”


I hate people like that! I’m actually depressed and I have anxiety, it’s documented by real professional doctors! Is there’s? No! And they don’t even have any symptoms! They just want attention or for people who actually have it feel guilty because ‘theirs is worse”


Deleted user

(I’m a female. Don’t worry, it’s fine if you call me a girl. It doesn’t offend me, I know I’m a girl and I like girls.)


Yes like, that's not something you lie about. Have they ever even had the feeling that you wanted to kill yourself and end your life? No, they haven't.

Deleted user

I hate people like that! I’m actually depressed and I have anxiety, it’s documented by real professional doctors! Is there’s? No! And they don’t even have any symptoms! They just want attention or for people who actually have it feel guilty because ‘theirs is worse”


Exactly! But people really shouldn’t do that. It’s not right! They don’t have room to talk about depression if they never truly experienced it!


Yes like, that's not something you lie about. Have they ever even had the feeling that you wanted to kill yourself and end your life? No, they haven't.

Like, almost every person with depression admits to themselves that others have it worse. Not the fakes.
On the subject, my summer camp counselor came to Christ literally 10 seconds away from suicide.

Deleted user

Yes like, that's not something you lie about. Have they ever even had the feeling that you wanted to kill yourself and end your life? No, they haven't.

I know I have. And attempted… but that’s beside the point! People get really offended by the lies others throw! Especially if they are really offense attacks! No one should talk about it really, but if you experienced it then it gives you a right to discuss it! In other words don’t do it unless you want to help someone or actually have it!



and you should have some sort of proof.
I feel so bad for my counselor, because she was emo and depressed and she showed up pictures from that time in her life, and they were laughing. Yes, she didn't look or act lik the emo type, but depression is NOT something to laugh about.

Deleted user

Yes like, that's not something you lie about. Have they ever even had the feeling that you wanted to kill yourself and end your life? No, they haven't.

Like, almost every person with depression admits to themselves that others have it worse. Not the fakes.
On the subject, my summer camp counselor came to Christ literally 10 seconds away from suicide.

I know people have it worse then I do, I witnessed it! But you know the fakes always say they have it worse, and that’s how you tell they don’t have it! Bragging about it. Depression isn’t something to brag about or be praised about! It’s something to avoid and get help with just like addiction!

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I look depressed all the time or look pissed off. Sometimes I’m feeling happy and people ask me if I’m alright because I look like I witnessed everyone I love get hit by a truck.

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But that doesn’t mean I can’t experience it. Whenever I’m in band or around Emi I feel so much happiness because I can be open and as weird as I want. Emi is somewhat of a key to unlock my weirdness.

@Becfromthedead group

I'm honestly afraid to say the words "I feel depressed" because although I'm pretty sure I'm legitimately depressed, no one's going to take me seriously. I can talk to my boyfriend and (sort of) two of my high school friends about it, but that's it. I don't feel like I have things bad enough for others to really care about it. I've never been suicidal or self-harming… just extremely sad and stressed. Uhhhh I cried for 2 hours on Thursday, for example.