forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers

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My f u c ki ng
frog hoodie came in
But it was too small and the wrong color
I ordered an extra large >:(

@spacebluelily language

My f u c ki ng
frog hoodie came in
But it was too small and the wrong color
I ordered an extra large >:(

send it back
tell them that's not what you ordered
those c o w a r d s

Deleted user

I did
I got it today and as soon as I got it and tried it on, I siighed and went to fill out the return sheet

Deleted user

I asked for a refund and so hopefully I should be able to buy another hoodie from a different supplyer

@requiemisback language

i hope things turn out good for the frog hoodie

side note: i got my gf to join notebook (haha typo went brrr) a while ago and oh my lord my mood has improved greatly i- hghgjd
it took a cuddle bribe to get her to join but it all worked out
now she's demanding her cuddles and just aaghhajhjs
god i'm so gay-

Deleted user

I swear if they don't get it right I will make you one
shitty rip offs piss me off >:(

I stg I just did the big eyes emoji 😳 (wow that does not look right on my laptop)
But it's the frog hoodie that Karl Jacobs has and I really want it

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I swear if they don't get it right I will make you one
shitty rip offs piss me off >:(

I stg I just did the big eyes emoji 😳 (wow that does not look right on my laptop)
But it's the frog hoodie that Karl Jacobs has and I really want it

And I can see why it is pretty damn cool
I might just make one for myself aha

Deleted user

I have money, technically, but I am very bad at managing it, esp because I like to go buy flowers every week


I have money I just can't buy things online because I don't have a debit card

(I'm gonna get one soon though and I'm really excited to be able to buy things)

@Katastrophic group

I bought fake lashes for a cosplay I’m doing and vugvcevchevb I don’t know how these work

Fake lashes are the best once you get the hang of them. Did they come with glue?

also that frog lamp is heckin adorable does it come in more colors?