forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers

@nebula__ group

djsdjshdsk that's so sweet
side note: i'm eating cookies my biology teacher's assistant made for the class and i'm so happy about it GOD that lady is so nice :D

@nebula__ group

mask kisses do be hittin different
my ex gf used to gimme a bunch of them when we saw each other out in stores and stuff, and even though people saw us (we even got a few homophobes angry) it was still so nice i fjdjdksj


mask kisses do be hittin different
my ex gf used to gimme a bunch of them when we saw each other out in stores and stuff, and even though people saw us (we even got a few homophobes angry) it was still so nice i fjdjdksj

awwwwwwww i'm warm all over :3

Deleted user

People find me attractive… for some reason.
This is the third one this month