forum Tell Me About The Creepiest (Otherworldly/Supernatural Perhaps?) Thing That Has Ever Happened To You.
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Deleted user

Okay! Time for Eris' creepy story number 2!

So when I was 11 years old, my family (mom/dad/me) moved into a house in Arizona about an hour south of Phoenix. It was in this newly built community right below some of the mountains that create the valley where most of the cities are. It was neat and we had this huge house with a massive backyard that I rode my dirt bike around in. Paradise you know?

Fast forward a few months and little weird things keep happening around the house that we mostly ignore because being a half hispanic family you get used to having family spirits around. The power would go out, our pipes froze during the summer, my parents wedding jewelry went missing, pictures never stayed on walls, etc. But my mom would say a prayer, we'd do a quick cleansing and that was that.

Things only started to get weird when my dad started digging up the back yard for our pool. The construction company found a skull while they were digging. That's it though. We had the city come out and excavate the entire backyard with that was all they found. So construction resumed. But the shit hit the fan in the house. Our power went out for 3 days, my mom's entire set of glass fairies that she made shattered inside their protective cases, my room was constantly ransacked like someone went through and tore all of my clothes out of my closet, my toys went missing only to turn up half buried in the back yard, my dad started having disturbing nightmares, it was wild.

But one night, poor young Eris couldn't fall asleep so she was wiggling her toes under the blankets so the would flutter and look neat, when all of a sudden a hand gripped her ankle and yanked her off of the bed, clear into the opposite wall.

I screamed so hard for my parents and my mom immediately called my grandfather to come bless the house. Nothing really crazy happened after that, but after my brother was born and he was old enough to sleep on his own he began to get up exactly at 2 every night and play with something no one else could see. So I think the spirit hung around but didn't bug me anymore.

Deleted user

Not even a little bit. Swear on my soul that this happened.

@Mojack group

I mean, it’s not really paranormal or anything like that, but sometimes (my computer is in front of a big window leading outside) I feel as if I’m being watched. I’ll look back behind me, see nothing at all, stare a little longer, then go back to whatever I was doing. I even did it when my computer was downstairs, not even in front of a window.

It usually happened at 8 pm or later when I’m alone in the house. Still a pretty creepy thing to experience, though.

Deleted user

^^^ oooo I hate that feeling. I hate windows because of this.

Deleted user

This isn't too bad, but this happened at my dads house.
I was wicked into moving my bed around after I cleaned my room, it made me happy and I felt satisfied(don't ask why) with my room. One time, I moved my bed in front of my closet and window. All night, I heard whispers and felt like someone was watching me from outside. I looked out my window, since it was right there, and I saw a person with glowing eyes.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

This isn't too bad, but this happened at my dads house.
I was wicked into moving my bed around after I cleaned my room, it made me happy and I felt satisfied(don't ask why) with my room. One time, I moved my bed in front of my closet and window. All night, I heard whispers and felt like someone was watching me from outside. I looked out my window, since it was right there, and I saw a person with glowing eyes.


Deleted user

There are things we cannot explain and it's awesome.

@Shadow_Knight group

Not me but my friends, swear up and down that they saw a UFO on the way back for a marching band competition. I was in the seat infront of them and I was trying to sleep and it was almost 12 and I was woke up to…J shaking me and pointing out the window. I didn't see anything but they swore that they did.

@Shadow_Knight group

Yep! We also have a house in the neighborhood that my sister's are covinced radiates bad luck. There is a scarecrow in front of it (even though this house is in the middle of town) and it gives off the weirdest vibes. There are also posters that say "Beware of dog" even though there isn't a dog there and another that rants about zombies. There is a buckeye tree out front and if you don't know, buckeyes are supposedly good luck. My sisters came up with a theory that the house has so much bad luck and energy that there had to be something good luck there so it wouldn't effect the rest of the town.