forum Tell Me About The Creepiest (Otherworldly/Supernatural Perhaps?) Thing That Has Ever Happened To You.
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Deleted user

(bump. creepy creepy shit happens all the time. Tell us about it.)


I saw a demon today. My brother said it was "just a tiny spider" but I could tell from the look on its hideous face that it had crawled its way up from the depths of Australia to haunt me.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Okay, so for most of my childhood I had lived in a single home. For years, I would wake up at midnight and see a large, bulky shadow moving towards my room. This may sound crazy, but I swear it looked like a giant lion man.
Usually, I would go to sleep with my blanket over my head. I would leave an airhole because I couldn't stand stale air. If I hadn't, I would dive under the moment I saw the man. Nothing would happen after that.
I slept in a room with my brother, and I was on the top bunk at the time. At the time of this story, I thought I believed ghosts weren't real, and that I was a baby for sleeping under the covers. I was trying to get myself to stop. That night, I had left the airhole above my head, so part of my hair was sticking out.
Around midnight, as usual, I knew in my stomach the man had come. This time, instead of nothing happening, the man actually flicked my head. I dove under the covers completely, not caring about stale air. I had a hard time falling asleep afterward, which had never happened before.
I knew my brother hadn't done it, because he would have been laughing, and my parents wouldn't own up to it the day afterward.
He continued to come every night, but that was the only time he touched me. Two or three years later, my family moved because of my father's job. I haven't seen the man since.

I wonder if the people renting our house have encountered him as well?

Deleted user

I saw a demon today. My brother said it was "just a tiny spider" but I could tell from the look on its hideous face that it had crawled its way up from the depths of Australia to haunt me.

Dude seriously? Spiders are not supernatural creepiness.

Deleted user

Tries to think of creepy stuff that's happened to me
Fails, because my life is unfortunately not spoopy enough

We need to do some seriously haunted things with you. :P

@HighPockets group

This one isn't especially creepy, but one time some friends and I went to a park by my house. We were 10 and we wanted some woodsy backdrops to act out Greek myths in, and the park has a manmade island. So we went there and on top of the island's hill, there was this little divot in a stump that was filled with water. There'd been no rain recently. And around it, there were a ton of those shiny circular confettis, but the weather had been really dark and cold lately so no one would have been taking photos there. The confetti was also stuffed into parts of a tree.
So yeah, my friends and I may have found a fairy circle.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

This one isn't especially creepy, but one time some friends and I went to a park by my house. We were 10 and we wanted some woodsy backdrops to act out Greek myths in, and the park has a manmade island. So we went there and on top of the island's hill, there was this little divot in a stump that was filled with water. There'd been no rain recently. And around it, there were a ton of those shiny circular confettis, but the weather had been really dark and cold lately so no one would have been taking photos there. The confetti was also stuffed into parts of a tree.
So yeah, my friends and I may have found a fairy circle.

Oof ma dude. The house I live in now is said to be built on a fairy circle. There's a lot of weird things that happen, especially in the basement. Doors opening on their own and voices are the most common.

Don't mess with the fay.

@HighPockets group

Come to think of it, this same park is where me, my sister, and those same friends found a statue like this Image result for elephant statue
in a plastic ziplock bag floating in the water.

@HighPockets group

This one isn't especially creepy, but one time some friends and I went to a park by my house. We were 10 and we wanted some woodsy backdrops to act out Greek myths in, and the park has a manmade island. So we went there and on top of the island's hill, there was this little divot in a stump that was filled with water. There'd been no rain recently. And around it, there were a ton of those shiny circular confettis, but the weather had been really dark and cold lately so no one would have been taking photos there. The confetti was also stuffed into parts of a tree.
So yeah, my friends and I may have found a fairy circle.

Oof ma dude. The house I live in now is said to be built on a fairy circle. There's a lot of weird things that happen, especially in the basement. Doors opening on their own and voices are the most common.

Don't mess with the fay.

If I played Oberon once do I have claim to rule over some fae?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

This one isn't especially creepy, but one time some friends and I went to a park by my house. We were 10 and we wanted some woodsy backdrops to act out Greek myths in, and the park has a manmade island. So we went there and on top of the island's hill, there was this little divot in a stump that was filled with water. There'd been no rain recently. And around it, there were a ton of those shiny circular confettis, but the weather had been really dark and cold lately so no one would have been taking photos there. The confetti was also stuffed into parts of a tree.
So yeah, my friends and I may have found a fairy circle.

Oof ma dude. The house I live in now is said to be built on a fairy circle. There's a lot of weird things that happen, especially in the basement. Doors opening on their own and voices are the most common.

Don't mess with the fay.

If I played Oberon once do I have claim to rule over some fae?


@HighPockets group

This one isn't especially creepy, but one time some friends and I went to a park by my house. We were 10 and we wanted some woodsy backdrops to act out Greek myths in, and the park has a manmade island. So we went there and on top of the island's hill, there was this little divot in a stump that was filled with water. There'd been no rain recently. And around it, there were a ton of those shiny circular confettis, but the weather had been really dark and cold lately so no one would have been taking photos there. The confetti was also stuffed into parts of a tree.
So yeah, my friends and I may have found a fairy circle.

Oof ma dude. The house I live in now is said to be built on a fairy circle. There's a lot of weird things that happen, especially in the basement. Doors opening on their own and voices are the most common.

Don't mess with the fay.

If I played Oberon once do I have claim to rule over some fae?


Good to know

Deleted user

Come to think of it, this same park is where me, my sister, and those same friends found a statue like this <img src="" alt="Image result for elephant statue"/
in a plastic ziplock bag floating in the water.

That's Ganesha. A Hindu God.The remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences and the deva of intellect and wisdom. As the god of beginnings, he is honoured at the start of rites and ceremonies.

Weird that someone would debase a benevolent god.

7/10 Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepyyyyyyyyyyyy

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Come to think of it, this same park is where me, my sister, and those same friends found a statue like this <img src="" alt="Image result for elephant statue"/
in a plastic ziplock bag floating in the water.

That's Ganesha. A Hindu God.The remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences and the deva of intellect and wisdom. As the god of beginnings, he is honoured at the start of rites and ceremonies.

Weird that someone would debase a benevolent god.

7/10 Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepyyyyyyyyyyyy

Perhaps someone is trying to appease another god by doing so?

@HighPockets group

Come to think of it, this same park is where me, my sister, and those same friends found a statue like this <img src="" alt="Image result for elephant statue"/
in a plastic ziplock bag floating in the water.

That's Ganesha. A Hindu God.The remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences and the deva of intellect and wisdom. As the god of beginnings, he is honoured at the start of rites and ceremonies.

Weird that someone would debase a benevolent god.

7/10 Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepyyyyyyyyyyyy

Even weirder, it looked like he was supposed to be painted, he had very chipped off blue paint. And seemed to be made of clay?

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

This isn't my experience, but my younger sister told me that when she was little she would see creepy stuff (she was pretty sure they were ghosts) in our house all the time. She said mostly they looked like black smoke. One morning she opened a kitchen cupboard and some black smoke trickled out. Another time she was walking down the hall and thought she saw our dad walking towards her, but he was all dark like a shadow and when she blinked he was gone. Another time we were on a road trip and she freaked out because she apparently saw a ball of ghost/smoke rolling across the highway in front of us like a tumbleweed. Nobody else ever saw anything but she still insists that she didn't make any of it up.
Side note, I've been convinced for years that our furnace room in the basement is haunted somehow. We have a radio and a printer near that room, and both of them will sometimes randomly turn on and start making noises. At this point I just tell them to shut up but it used to really creep me out.

Deleted user

Come to think of it, this same park is where me, my sister, and those same friends found a statue like this <img src="" alt="Image result for elephant statue"/
in a plastic ziplock bag floating in the water.

That's Ganesha. A Hindu God.The remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences and the deva of intellect and wisdom. As the god of beginnings, he is honoured at the start of rites and ceremonies.

Weird that someone would debase a benevolent god.

7/10 Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepyyyyyyyyyyyy

Perhaps someone is trying to appease another god by doing so?

IDK Hinduism isn't like that. (shrugs)

Deleted user

Come to think of it, this same park is where me, my sister, and those same friends found a statue like this <img src="" alt="Image result for elephant statue"/
in a plastic ziplock bag floating in the water.

That's Ganesha. A Hindu God.The remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences and the deva of intellect and wisdom. As the god of beginnings, he is honoured at the start of rites and ceremonies.

Weird that someone would debase a benevolent god.

7/10 Creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepyyyyyyyyyyyy

Even weirder, it looked like he was supposed to be painted, he had very chipped off blue paint. And seemed to be made of clay?

I'm not surprised. Hindus decorate all of their godly stautes beautifully.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

This isn't my experience, but my younger sister told me that when she was little she would see creepy stuff (she was pretty sure they were ghosts) in our house all the time. She said mostly they looked like black smoke. One morning she opened a kitchen cupboard and some black smoke trickled out. Another time she was walking down the hall and thought she saw our dad walking towards her, but he was all dark like a shadow and when she blinked he was gone. Another time we were on a road trip and she freaked out because she apparently saw a ball of ghost/smoke rolling across the highway in front of us like a tumbleweed. Nobody else ever saw anything but she still insists that she didn't make any of it up.
Side note, I've been convinced for years that our furnace room in the basement is haunted somehow. We have a radio and a printer near that room, and both of them will sometimes randomly turn on and start making noises. At this point I just tell them to shut up but it used to really creep me out.

Ghosts are said to be able to communicate using radio waves, so…

Deleted user

This isn't my experience, but my younger sister told me that when she was little she would see creepy stuff (she was pretty sure they were ghosts) in our house all the time. She said mostly they looked like black smoke. One morning she opened a kitchen cupboard and some black smoke trickled out. Another time she was walking down the hall and thought she saw our dad walking towards her, but he was all dark like a shadow and when she blinked he was gone. Another time we were on a road trip and she freaked out because she apparently saw a ball of ghost/smoke rolling across the highway in front of us like a tumbleweed. Nobody else ever saw anything but she still insists that she didn't make any of it up.
Side note, I've been convinced for years that our furnace room in the basement is haunted somehow. We have a radio and a printer near that room, and both of them will sometimes randomly turn on and start making noises. At this point I just tell them to shut up but it used to really creep me out.

Gnarly af. Spooky smoke is no fun.

@Mojack group

This isn’t really an experience I’ve had, but a close friend did.

I still remember some creepy stories my friend told me of her experiences in one of the houses she stays in. I remember it clearly because she told us it nearly every year. Didn’t get tiring though.

If you’ve ever heard of skinwalkers or skinwalkers, this is good to know before you read what I’m gonna say. Otherwise, I’d suggest reading up about them.

For your information, this is in Canada. And now, a little backstory.

My friend (call her S) goes to a town about 12 hours away from our town usually once or twice per year to hang out with family for a week or so. They party, hangout, fish, etc etc. Pretty cool stuff. S stays at a house. It’s a pretty big house. I’ve never seen pictures of it, but from stories she told me, that’s what I get from it. The house is pretty old too. But it’s got an..odd story.

The house, a long time ago was home to a woman. I don’t remember her name exactly. She lived in this house alone. She was younger, but old enough, and she also happened to be pregnant. I guess one time someone came to visit her and couldn’t find her, so they looked around for a bit, and ended up finding her in a closet. Dead. The woman hung herself.

I suppose they were already having some creepy experiences before then but nothing too bad. Back to present time, S was with her cousin downstairs in the house and playing cards. The rest of the family was elsewhere, though S and her cousin knew where they were. Well, the cousin left to get a drink, and S heard a noise upstairs. The cousin came back and S asked her, “was that you?” The cousin answered, “no, I thought that was you.” They continued playing cards and heard some light footsteps upstairs. Keep in mind during this time they both assumed their Aunt was sleeping upstairs.

“Aunt? Is that you?” S calls. She mentioned to me there was a bit of a pause before a voice like her aunts is projected back to them. “Yes.”

Again they continue playing cards and hear the footsteps a few more times but don’t ask. Eventually, a little bit by the stairs, they hear something heavy, like a person falling. S calls out, “Aunt, are you alright?”

There was no answer, so S and her cousin head upstairs, and she finds nothing by the stairs. The bedroom door where her aunt is supposed to sleep (also the room with the closet of the dead woman) is opened a tiny bit.

They enter and see no one. I guess S told me she got a bad feeling so they left the house fairly quickly and went to go find their family. They found the family, and the Aunt was there, with the family.

It didn’t really occur to me until late 2017 about the idea of Wendigos or Skinwalkers which have the ability to mimic voices.

S also told me some more experiences if you’d like to read them.

@Moxie group

(Sorry I don't have a creepy story, but Eris you should listen to the Black Tapes podcast. Its a fictional podcast about supernatural stuff and its pretty creepy)