forum Tell Me About The Creepiest (Otherworldly/Supernatural Perhaps?) Thing That Has Ever Happened To You.
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Deleted user

The creepier the better, I love horror stories.

I have a few too, but I shall share them later on.


At this point I don't know if this actually happened, but I remember about 6 years ago, my brother and I were messing around on my iPad and taking pictures of a blanket (it was right on the blanket inn the dark so most of the pictures turned out blackish) but then there were a pair of cat like eyes in one of the photos. We showed it to our parents and they said just to delete it and we did.

Deleted user

queue scary music

That is pretty dang creepy not gonna lie. Photos are just….bizarre.

@Mojack group

I’ve had some creepy experiences, so I’ll come here when I remember them.

I know one that I do recall was one time I had my window open at night (usually I don’t have it open) since it was a nice temperature outside. I stayed up a bit late too, I think around 2 am I heard something walking around outside. Like I heard it a few times over the night before I went to sleep. I don’t know if it was an animal or something. There was also snow at the time but I didn’t think about going to look for any footprints outside at the time.

Deleted user

That's not fun at all. Not to mention that sound carries over snow really bizarrely so who know what it could have been.

Deleted user


Deleted user

Hm… This wasn't really anything supernatural.
But when I was a baby, this large bird kept following me then when I went to go play in my sandbox, it tried to peck out my eyes.
I think it's pretty creepy, but most birds are creepy.


sometimes i'll wake up around midnight and hear my little sister in the room next to me speaking another language. but not any language i know of. it legit sounds like she's having some sort of incoherent conversation with something, and then she'll stop abruptly, presumably when she falls back asleep. sleep talking is a thing, i know, but my sister speaks only english (my entire family speaks only english), and she does not sound like she's speaking english during these "spells". she doesn't do this when we sleep over at our grandparents house? only ours.

also, a few weeks ago i woke up around two in the morning, immediately ran across my room, flipped the light switch on and yelled "shut up" for literally no reason. i had no motivation, hell, i didn't even remember it until the next morning.

occasionally i'll wake up sitting cross legged on my bed, particularly when i'm super stressed.

sometimes my blankets will disappear and i'll find them strung up on the towel holder in the bathroom when i have no recollection of ever getting up to go to the bathroom? and why would i bring my blanket??

oh, and then there was the time the power had been out for a few hours and came back on at around eleven at night, only for our printer to start playing music?? really creepy music, too. i don't even understand why our printer can play music, but apparently it can??

i mean a few of these can be chalked up to stress, sleep talking/walking or whatever, but they still kinda freak me out.

Deleted user

Ya boy has a story.

So my mum has this little dragonfly thing that she painted a few years back (and she's been convinced that we've have ghosts before this, more evidence later lol), and she thought my sister took it bc it disappeared from the drawer she usually keeps it in. Well, my sister wasn't coughing it up, so she was sent up to her room after my mum searched it (under the bed, through the sheets, in her closet, in her dresser etc.) and still couldn't find it. Well my mum went downstairs to look in our laundry room and I meandered around looking for it in places we might have missed. I hear quiet thumping noises from down the steps, walk into the living room to investigate, to find it on the floor, on its back with the belly up. Now this thing is like, pottery, so if it were even gently tossed down the steps, it would have broken and shattered something. So I picked it up and looked it up and down… not a scratch..

s h o o k

Deleted user

I was playing hide and seek with a friend of mine when I was maybe 5, and we were staying at an inn. Nobody was on the third floor, so we were playing up there. My friend was hiding and I knocked on the door to see if she would, like, giggle or something. I finished knocking and cracked the door open. My friend wasn't in there, but I heard a scratchy voice(maybe a woman's?) yelling at me. It said: "Whoever's on the third floor get off now!"

Deleted user

Thanks for the non creepy contribution…?

Come on peeps give us the deepest darkest secrets of your haunted livesssssssssssss

Deleted user

Hm… I one time almost drowned becuase there were hands holding me under by my feet, it wasn't human. That's for sure.

Deleted user

Those damn blasted mermaids at it again.

It happened again twice so….

@Shadow_Knight group

I don't remember if this was a dream or not but when I was about 4 or 5 I was walking towards my parents room and there was a woman standing in the door way. She had white hair that was standing on end and had a tattered dress that hung down to her knees and she didn't have any legs past her knees either. She out stretched her hand towards me, as if to get me to take her hand. I blinked and she was gone. A few years later, after we had moved to a different house, we were watching a movie and there was the woman…in the movie. And the movie had only come out a year ago. Is dat scary?

Deleted user

Oh! I have another one!
I used to live next to a house where a man shot his wife. The wife died of bleeding out and now she haunts my old house! She's quite nice though, I haven't been back to the house in a while.

Deleted user

Ghosties man. I've had some pretty interesting experiences with them.
It's cool to see that most everyone has had experiences that they cannot explain.
Keep them coming. I'm interested.

@Starfast group

This happened just back in October. I was doing a ghost walk with my friend in an old historic part of a nearby city. I feel like it's worth mentioning, but I've always believed in ghosts but if there's a more logical explanation then that's usually what I go with.

Towards the end of the tour, we were standing outside what used to be a trading post while the guide told us some stories about some ghost sightings. He was telling us about the ghost of a little Native girl, when I heard a child giggling. I already knew there weren't any young kids on the tour so my first instinct was to turn around and see if there were any kids nearby. There weren't (and it would have been kinda weird if there was since it was like 10 pm on a school night). Right after that, my friend whispered to me "Did you hear that too?" So I know I wasn't imagining it.

Later our guide was telling us that the most active ghost in the area was that of a young boy who died when he was around 4 years old, and is known to be quite mischievous. We also visited the place where he was buried earlier in the tour. He told us a story about how one family came to the fort with their young kid. The family was really impressed with the young boy they had working there (All the staff dress in period clothing). They told the staff how their kid had such a good time playing with this young boy. The staff told the family that they didn't have any young kids working at the fort. When asked if the boy said anything to the kid, he said "No, he mostly just laughed." I can't say with any certainty that this was the same ghost that my friend and I heard, but when you couple that story with the fact that he's the most active spirit in the area it sure does look that way.

Deleted user

My house is pretty old. We hear noises all the time, and such. In out bathroom, we have these framed cross-stitch things, and they're all hanging on the wall. Well, one night, while everyone was asleep, they all blew off the wall and landed perfectly spaced in front of the toilet. I fixed it without a second thought but later tried to re create it. I couldn't and that was the last time they came off the wall.