forum Tell Me About The Creepiest (Otherworldly/Supernatural Perhaps?) Thing That Has Ever Happened To You.
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@Shadow_Knight group

OK! I have another! I was talking to my older neighbor one day and she told me that when they were building my house (we had moved in not to long ago) a construction worker died in one of the bed rooms. I asked her which bedroom and she pointed to where my bedroom was. I will occasionally her bumps and rattles from the closet. Over one summer they got kinda bad and so every time there was a bump or something I would start to talk to it (God this sounds stupid now that I'm writing it). Eventually after I started talking to it, it started to calm down and now I only hear bumps and rattles every once in a while.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

OK! I have another! I was talking to my older neighbor one day and she told me that when they were building my house (we had moved in not to long ago) a construction worker died in one of the bed rooms. I asked her which bedroom and she pointed to where my bedroom was. I will occasionally her bumps and rattles from the closet. Over one summer they got kinda bad and so every time there was a bump or something I would start to talk to it (God this sounds stupid now that I'm writing it). Eventually after I started talking to it, it started to calm down and now I only hear bumps and rattles every once in a while.

That's….actually kinda sweet lol

@Reblod flag

This isn't anything paranormal but it's one of those things that tricks your eyes.

There's this thing in my neighbour's paddock. Whenever I look out the window I tend to stare at it but for some reason, I have no recollection of ever identifying what it is. It actually looks like the figure of a large person that just stands there especially when it's a bit dark. So in the evenings where dark shapes look like anything I'll watch it and it does the creepiest things. It looks almost like it's dancing but so inhumanly. It's not actually moving but it looks like it throws its hands around and walks in circles. It gets really hard to look away from because it's so creepily fascinating. I dunno it's probably the most otherwordly thing that has happened to me.

There are other things. It's not so creepy but once a long time ago I had a cardboard box full of stuff next to my bed and something hit one of those flap thingies but when I looked maybe 2 seconds after it wasn't moving and there was nothing there. Probably just an overactive imagination.
Also more recently (for context I get up super early before anyone else) the shower sounded like it had turned on by itself. This was the moment I realised I was one of those idiots who dies in horror movies because I immediately got up to check it out. It was pitch black by the way and no lights were on so it was spooky. Turns out the shower head was just leaking from one of its joints.

They were creepy at the time but fortunately my life isn't very supernatural.

@Mojack group

Alright, here’s another one from S.
This takes place in the same house where the woman died.

So in the same house, her and her cousins were downstairs in one of the basement rooms. They had stayed up late and everyone else was likely upstairs, sleeping.

The walls in this room had a few holes in them. Not really big holes but you could see through them if there was any light or movement outside. Outside the room was a hallway I think. There was a small lamp on in the hallway.

The door was slightly opened but mainly closed.

They were just chilling out in the blankets, talking, etc. When one of the cousins said, “did you hear that?” They all listened and then they heard some light footsteps upstairs but it could’ve been one of the family members upstairs at the time, so they decided to go back to talking, a little quietly this time.

Eventually, S, Who was facing the wall with the door and the little holes sees the light sort of ‘darken’ like if someone was moving past them. The room falls completely silent and S told me that her and her cousins were just still, maybe glancing at each other but also focused on the wall. Eventually they hear some heavy boots and it gets close to the wall, stops for about 15 seconds, then approaches the door. The door sort of creaked open a little bit, further, stopped, and then the boots walked down the hallway towards the stairs again. Thing is, they never heard anyone go down or up the stairs, and nothing ever happened that night afterwards.
S mentioned that they stayed awake a little longer and had trouble going to sleep but managed.

Deleted user

This was the moment I realised I was one of those idiots who dies in horror movies because I immediately got up to check it out.

I relate to this so hard. I'm more curious than cautious.

Deleted user

Idk if this counts, but I bring my guinea pigs upstairs like all the time, right? So they're very comfortable upstairs and I always set them up on my bed with a couple blankets for them to chill out on so they don't pee on where I sleep. But sometimes, my youngest pig named Rocko gets hecking spooked sometimes, and he just runs across the bed and burrows into the sheets that I use to sleep (probably because it smells more like me, you know? My pigs love me. ☺️). And he just stays there, as if something moved really suddenly. When I go to lift him up, he squeaks really loud and I have to gently talk to him to calm him down.

Idk if that has to do with anything, but I know it's not me moving so suddenly to spook him, because I know not to do so because he could fall off my bed!

So idk if it's a ghost, but they're not thinking before they move. They're endangering my pig!

@HighPockets group

Idk if this counts, but I bring my guinea pigs upstairs like all the time, right? So they're very comfortable upstairs and I always set them up on my bed with a couple blankets for them to chill out on so they don't pee on where I sleep. But sometimes, my youngest pig named Rocko gets hecking spooked sometimes, and he just runs across the bed and burrows into the sheets that I use to sleep (probably because it smells more like me, you know? My pigs love me. ☺️). And he just stays there, as if something moved really suddenly. When I go to lift him up, he squeaks really loud and I have to gently talk to him to calm him down.

Idk if that has to do with anything, but I know it's not me moving so suddenly to spook him, because I know not to do so because he could fall off my bed!

So idk if it's a ghost, but they're not thinking before they move. They're endangering my pig!

Now I want to see a horror movie where a house is haunted by ghosts and guinea pigs are the only ones who can see them.

Deleted user

There is a movie with main characters as guinea pigs but I don't suggest watching it (tho I loved it as a kid)

Deleted user

okay here's one of my creepy stories:

A few summers back a bunch of my friends and I went camping in the forest in washington (so much fun ans super pretty yall). We found this gorgeous little area with a river and a large meadow area where we all set up our tents and such. We brought our ATVs and road them around the area. Super fun right?

Well one afternoon we were racing through the forest and came upon this random, old, abandoned house. It was huge like an old victorian, but it was so weird because it was out in the middle of no where and there werent any roads or anything connecting it to town, not even overgrown roads. It was like someone just plopped it down in the forest. It was just hidden in the trees. Naturally, we thought to explore it because we were all dumb 20 year olds.

It had a nasty feel, like someone was constantly watching you or hovering older your shoulder. There were these weird, and I mean weird paintings of a woman all over the walls, and like this sinister reaper just following her around. The house itself made me feel sick as hell, I wanted to throw up the entire time we were in there. Upstairs there was only one bedroom that had furniture in it and it was like a shrine to the same woman in the paintings. Super gross and creepy. I was braver than most and went into the basement where there was only one painting (This one was really beautiful actually. I remember it clear as day.) of the woman sleeping in a meadow under a huge tree, but the reaper thing was in the shadow of the tree watching her. We started hearing moans and slamming around the house and it just got really uncomfortable so we hightailed it out of there.

That night was seriously insane, we kept hearing screaming and thrashing from the trees and all of our phones/electronics kept wigging out. Seriously no one wanted to sleep. We almost left we were so scared, but one of my friends convinced us it was just animals. So we stayed. I kept having a nightmare about the painting of the woman in the meadow and the reaper killing her over and over again and I swear I woke up in the middle of the night to see the same damn reaper looking down at me. It was one of the worst nights of my life.

The next morning we packed up and moved to a different area of the forest for the rest of the trip and nothing else happened.

Fast forward to last summer, my friends and I decided to go camping in the same forest again, but not in the creepy area. It was such a fun trip. One day though we went racing again and I started to feel really really sick. Low and behold, we came around some trees and there was the house again. Which was insane because we were sure that we camped at least 2 hours away from it. But there it was. So what did we do? We. Went. In. Again.

It looked and felt pretty much the same until we got to the basement where that one painting was covered in some kind of redish gunk and below it on the wall was each of my friends name's and mine written and all scratched out. We straight ran out of there, went back to camp, packed up, went to the police, and swore that we would never go back. It was horrid. I still have nightmares about that house every once in awhile.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

okay here's one of my creepy stories:

A few summers back a bunch of my friends and I went camping in the forest in washington (so much fun ans super pretty yall). We found this gorgeous little area with a river and a large meadow area where we all set up our tents and such. We brought our ATVs and road them around the area. Super fun right?

Well one afternoon we were racing through the forest and came upon this random, old, abandoned house. It was huge like an old victorian, but it was so weird because it was out in the middle of no where and there werent any roads or anything connecting it to town, not even overgrown roads. It was like someone just plopped it down in the forest. It was just hidden in the trees. Naturally, we thought to explore it because we were all dumb 20 year olds.

It had a nasty feel, like someone was constantly watching you or hovering older your shoulder. There were these weird, and I mean weird paintings of a woman all over the walls, and like this sinister reaper just following her around. The house itself made me feel sick as hell, I wanted to throw up the entire time we were in there. Upstairs there was only one bedroom that had furniture in it and it was like a shrine to the same woman in the paintings. Super gross and creepy. I was braver than most and went into the basement where there was only one painting (This one was really beautiful actually. I remember it clear as day.) of the woman sleeping in a meadow under a huge tree, but the reaper thing was in the shadow of the tree watching her. We started hearing moans and slamming around the house and it just got really uncomfortable so we hightailed it out of there.

That night was seriously insane, we kept hearing screaming and thrashing from the trees and all of our phones/electronics kept wigging out. Seriously no one wanted to sleep. We almost left we were so scared, but one of my friends convinced us it was just animals. So we stayed. I kept having a nightmare about the painting of the woman in the meadow and the reaper killing her over and over again and I swear I woke up in the middle of the night to see the same damn reaper looking down at me. It was one of the worst nights of my life.

The next morning we packed up and moved to a different area of the forest for the rest of the trip and nothing else happened.

Fast forward to last summer, my friends and I decided to go camping in the same forest again, but not in the creepy area. It was such a fun trip. One day though we went racing again and I started to feel really really sick. Low and behold, we came around some trees and there was the house again. Which was insane because we were sure that we camped at least 2 hours away from it. But there it was. So what did we do? We. Went. In. Again.

It looked and felt pretty much the same until we got to the basement where that one painting was covered in some kind of redish gunk and below it on the wall was each of my friends name's and mine written and all scratched out. We straight ran out of there, went back to camp, packed up, went to the police, and swore that we would never go back. It was horrid. I still have nightmares about that house every once in awhile.

Well crap

Deleted user

I've got plenty more where that came from. I used to live in a house built on a Native burial ground, went to a school haunted by a child that died there while I was a student there, my grandfather on my mother's side was a 'wise man' or a good practitioner of Brujeria, my great grand-mother on my father's side practiced Santaria… the list goes on….weird shit has followed me my entire life.

@HighPockets group

This isn't a super creepy one, just a bit weird.
One of my mom's friends works at a church and basically her job is to play the piano and sing at every mass. One day, she was cantering at a wedding, and this cat came up onto the balcony she was in and scratched her.. When she came back down and had blood on her face, she said a cat scratched her, but no one believed her. When they went up to look for the cat (it was hazardous for there to be a cat in there because there's open flames and such) the cat had disappeared, but no one saw the cat come in or out.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Okay, this is something I haven't told people about before because I didn't think people would believe me (I kinda still don't):
One night, I had a dream where I was being chased through the woods at the back of my house. I reached the edge of the woods and managed to dive into my bed. When I woke up (as I hit the bed in the dream) I found that I was freezing, and my muscles hurt as if I had been actually running. The creepiest was the fact that my feet had dirt and fresh scratches on them.

@Shadow_Knight group

I once had a dream that Slender man was in my room. In my dream I was in bed and I was barely awake (I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't a dream because it felt so real). I all the suddenly saw a figure in the door way. He was massively tall, his head almost touching the ceiling (we have 10 foot ceilings) and he was wearing a suit. I remember not being able to see his face. Now I wear glasses so I assumed since it was dark and I wasn't wearing glasses I just couldn't see his face. He asked me if I knew he was. I responded with "I can't see you." He then teleported about half way to my bed. I told him that I still couldn't see him. Next thing I knew he was right in front of my face. If he would of had eyes we would be staring right at each other and his nose would of been touching mine. He asked me if I knew who he was again and I had now realized that it was Slender man. "Y-You're Slender man." I replied. (God! I'm pathetic in my dreams too!) I felt like he smiled even though his 'face' hadn't moved and then he was gone. Before this I was a slight Creepypasta fangirl and thought it would be cool to meet him but now…Shivers…I don't think I would.