forum Talk about anything!
Started by @@Rhindy

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@HighPockets group

I think so?
I was really anxious all day, and then in the auditorium I really wanted to ask my choir director if I could not sing/go into the hallway, but I was scared because I would have had to walk in front of a ton of people to do so. I got onstage and as soon as I was up there, I started to get a headache, my arms went numb, my vision got all white and fuzzy around the edges, my stomach started to hurt, everything started to echo and I couldn't hear. After the first song I ran offstage and drank a crapton of water from the water fountain and then my mom came and took me to the car. I stayed home from school today since I couldn't sleep last night and I got pretty sick.
I'm doing better now though.

@Mercury Beta Tester

She tried to kill herself by slitting her throat and well… The vocal cords…
She's fine now, though…

Oh gods, that's awful…Hope she's been able to recover from that trauma, is she getting the help she needs? Like, seeing a therapist?


She tried to kill herself by slitting her throat and well… The vocal cords…
She's fine now, though…

Oh gods, that's awful…Hope she's been able to recover from that trauma, is she getting the help she needs? Like, seeing a therapist?

first one was an ass and now she won't go see one. That's where I come in. I can do everything a therapist does, but I urge her to get professional help.
I ironically had to be her therapist after she got back from the therapist's…

@Mercury Beta Tester

I can do everything a therapist does, but I urge her to get professional help.

It's a shame that the first therapist was bad - a bad apple will make the rest of the stock seem rotten. But yes, therapy is a better option for helping people learn the physical and mental tools so they don't fall back into depression.

I ironically had to be her therapist after she got back from the therapist's…

You are a good person for supporting your friend, most people wouldn't be as helpful as you :)