forum Talk about anything!
Started by @@Rhindy

people_alt 9 followers

@HighPockets group

So is this the 'spill your emotions' zone??
Because my life isn't going so great.
I'm almost positively going to have to change to online school and get separated from all of my friends because my depression and anxiety have gotten to the point where I can't get out of bed in the morning in time for school.
So life sucks right now.

@faltering-through pets

nah dude, I was planning on it because I really didn't want anyone to see the depressed ugly side of me but I think I'll stay for now (hopefully) but thanks for your worry, makes me feel good that someone cares~


Tam do you have a therapist in your area you can go see? Therapy really isn't as bad as it seems once you get the right therapist for you. Trust me, I know.


Oof, yeah. Parents can be that way, especially if their child admits that there is something wrong. It took me until last year to realize it wasn't normal to hyperventilate when you cry and be super paranoid, which led me to find out about a little thing known as an anxiety disorder.

It was a big thing to explain to my parents and to let them know that I need help. However, turns out my dad also has an anxiety disorder, but instead of crying he'd just get really, really irrationally angry.

I know I have more accepting parents than others, and I wish I could just adopt you all and make it easier, but I can't. All I can say is it takes time, energy, and lots of patience when trying to talk with your parents about it. Keep bringing it up at right times, state facts and symptoms when you can, maybe even manage to get them to look it up and read about it.


Well Shuri you're definitely better than my first therapist. She wouldn't give me any medication and relied solely on Mindfulness and meditation, of which I figured out rather quickly didn't work very well for me. When I told her this, she still refused to change anything she did.


That sucks. Have you tried falling asleep to subliminal messages? It might help!

Also. I won't be able to help many of you today. Internet is balls.

I find soft classical/instrumental music helps me, as well as just mindless noise on low. Suliminal messages just have too much rest between noises that it scares me awake.