forum Talk about anything!
Started by @@Rhindy

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@faltering-through pets

That's right. And Tam, I'll be your therapist. I'm actually better than most of these jackasses running around with degrees according to a few friends!

thanks, Shuri I'd appreciate that and yea I understand that maybe getting my mom to look it up would be nice but the thing is she already knows about it but just blames me for having it because I don't "pray" or I got demons. Some shit like that lol sometimes it just makes me laugh even though I feel bad about it


That happens a lot. You'd be surprised how many people talk to me, and tell me that their parents religion just makes it worse, or that their parents think they need to accept Jesus or something, I'm not hating on faith or anyting but that's taking it a little too far. I'm sure your mom is a pretty nice person, but that's just sucky honestly. I'm sure she'll wear down if you keep at it.

Deleted user

For someone who has multiple adtions over the course of this week, half which are speeches and singing huge ass things. And for someone who has to give a huge speech in front of half my school, for a grade. Yeah, it could be worse. But, let me be a little bitch and complain. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


My voice isstill gone

I'm sorry bb, I know the feeling. It fucking sucks when you can't communicate. Makes me feel like a helpless child and I hate it.



Y'know I feel it. I'm in a huge city without a car. I've been walking on my injured knee and grabbing stuff with my fucked up hands the whole trip while freezing my ass off. I've had to carry Dante home twice, and carry my cane in my teeth, and check the internet/be on my phone when there is internet for a while now… All at once!!!


My voice isstill gone

I'm sorry bb, I know the feeling. It fucking sucks when you can't communicate. Makes me feel like a helpless child and I hate it.

You could always use a knocking system for basic communication!


My voice isstill gone

I'm sorry bb, I know the feeling. It fucking sucks when you can't communicate. Makes me feel like a helpless child and I hate it.

You could always use a knocking system for basic communication!

I know ASL enough to get by, but literally no one else around here knows ASL as well.

@Mercury Beta Tester

You could always use a knocking system for basic communication!

I know ASL enough to get by, but literally no one else around here knows ASL as well.

Pen and paper? Typing it out onto a phone?


You could always use a knocking system for basic communication!

I know ASL enough to get by, but literally no one else around here knows ASL as well.

Pen and paper? Typing it out onto a phone?

Takes too long (though I did write a generic message on a piece of paper to explain to the teachers that if they made me talk they'd be putting me in a lot of pain so ya know please don't and stuff of the like). My school wouldn't like me typing stuff out on my phone.

Thank you, though, lovely Peridot.

@Mercury Beta Tester

Recently become mute? How does that happen, is it like trauma or depression induced? Sorry if I seem insensitive, I don't really know about mutism

@Mercury Beta Tester

Takes too long (though I did write a generic message on a piece of paper to explain to the teachers that if they made me talk they'd be putting me in a lot of pain so ya know please don't and stuff of the like). My school wouldn't like me typing stuff out on my phone.

Thank you, though, lovely Peridot.

No problem. On the bright side at least, you won't have to worry about being called up to answer questions!


Recently become mute? How does that happen, is it like trauma or depression induced? Sorry if I seem insensitive, I don't really know about mutism

She tried to kill herself by slitting her throat and well… The vocal cords…
She's fine now, though…

@HighPockets group

Well I had a panic attack yesterday and had to run offstage during a choir concert….my arms went numb, my vision blurred around the edges, and everything sounded echoy.