forum Talk about anything!
Started by @@Rhindy

people_alt 9 followers


Aye how's it going Depression Gang?

Oh ya know, the usual. Feeling empty inside so tried to take a bath with enough candles to summon Satan himself.
It kinda worked I suppose. I just feel warm and content now

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Life is fucking Hell, anyone agree?

Eh, sometimes. In my experience it’s like only a few bursts of super lame stuff. But it’s so painful you want to end it. The rest is just overcast to hard grey except for the happy pieces which are almost as rare as the pure lame parts. But it’s getting better.
You want to talk about what you’re going through?


OMG why is everyone on here so depressed :(

Because I've been dicked over by life my entire existence in this godforsaken universe and I'm fucking done with having my happiness taken away from me as soon as I get it.

It can't take away something I don't have. Not anymore.


Ok I'm sorry but people on here like for real need to cheer up

"need to cheer up"

Aye. Fuck you too.
You must be a real peice of work if you really think people's minds work that way. That suddenly someone becomes all sunshine and rainbows at the flick of a verbal switch. That clearly the problem is they're not "trying hard enough", rather than having a very real mental illness that is out of their control without proper help. As if telling them "you need to cheer up" will suddenly make all their problems go away like a cartoon-ish fantasyland.

I get wanting to change the subject to be a little more lighthearted, but make sure to do so not at other people's expense.

Deleted user

Ok I'm sorry but people on here like for real need to cheer up

"need to cheer up"

Aye. Fuck you too.
You must be a real peice of work if you really think people's minds work that way. That suddenly someone becomes all sunshine and rainbows at the flick of a verbal switch. That clearly the problem is they're not "trying hard enough", rather than having a very real mental illness that is out of their control without proper help. As if telling them "you need to cheer up" will suddenly make all their problems go away like a cartoon-ish fantasyland.

I get wanting to change the subject to be a little more lighthearted, but make sure to do so not at other people's expense.

Aye, this is something that needs to be said over and over again.

We are already trying to cheer up, but as people with mental illnesses… It's harder.


None of you had to say something so cold and heartless! I'm disappointed in both of you for doing something like this and frankly it's pissing me off! I get that people can't just "cheer up" and it's annoying to hear someone say that BUT SO HELP ME GOD IF YOU GUYS DON'T DROP THE TOXICITY RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW I'LL HAVE YOUR ASSES!