forum Sleep Deprived Insomniacs Club
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@spacebluelily language

You know what's fun? Crying. I've been reading angsty fanfiction and now I'm on youtube watching angsty animatics. For someone who really hates to feel emotions, i sure do things that make me feel.

@ClownB*tch eco

thanks, on an unrelated note:
if anyone (who supports it) join my age regression chat? I can teach you about agere or we can just chat and have a safe place. If anyone is comfortable with it, my pms are always open for caregivers and other littles to vent or just chat. Please please please sfw only, heres the link:

also i am uncomfortable around men so please know it's nothing against you if I dont answer you cuz youre male

Deleted user

Okay, if I'm gonna stay up late, it might as well by trying to write or something, yet I continue watching scenes from Thor and Thor: The Dark World. I'm a weirdo.

Deleted user

Marvel is marvelous!

YES! And Loki is low-key the best character in the whole marvelous MCU. XD

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Today I have laid my eyes upon quite a beauty. Her hair was long and brown with a tinge of red. I sadly was not able to see the entirety of what she looks like. I have been told that she is not of noble blood, but she still made my heart quake with something that I have not felt for any other outside of my family. I must find a way to meet her.


I decided not to read the last few chapters because I hate the ending, best to leave off when he is happily living in the forest with all of his animal friends. so the story ends when winter does in my opinion.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Just my luck, it's 4 in the morning, I'm about to finally stop listening to creepypastas and go to bed, and I suddenly get the worst hiccups I've ever had in ages, like, my entire upper body is moving every time I hiccup

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

5 am
ace's birthday
cracks knuckles
it's writing time, if I can get it done in 5 hours or less I'm golden, nobody bothers me until like, noon if I don't leave my room and I can get in a few hours of sleep before we play some Jackbox with friends tonight

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

only putting 3 characters in my fic for cute familial bonds and not because i'm too drained to do anything more

also the night music for hea hea city from pokemon sun and moon just started playing and i'm crying now because i had ultra moon and i miss my zoroark but my ds is broken and i cant find the cartridge :'(

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I feel quite proud of myself right now. After years of knowing how to type I can finally type without staring at the keyboard. It's mostly a result of muscle-memory, yet it is still an achievement that I can take pride in. I do, however, still occasionally have to look at the keyboard to make sure that I'm pressing the correct buttons.