forum Sleep Deprived Insomniacs Club
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@requiemisback language

my dads: you're gonna ruin your sleep schedule if you keep pulling all-nighters just for a game!
me: has already spent countless nights awake, and my sleep schedule is non-existent at this point


I was awake for about 3 days with only 2 hours of sleep spread out between them. Everything is a mess and I want this week and a half to be over

@spacebluelily language

Two days ago, I didn't sleep till five. And then I had to wake up at 6:45 for school. I felt tired throughout the whole day, but surprisingly nobody noticed how I almost fell asleep in my classes. I guess the only thing that was keeping me up was the fucking brightness of my screen and the music blasting through my headphones.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I've been there countless times. One of my teachers actually noticed how tired I was.

Teacher: Sy, are you alright?
Me: Yeah; I'm just tired because I was up all night doing homework.
Teacher: Oh…. You know what? Since you're passing my class, go ahead and sleep for a while.

@spacebluelily language

Omg, that's so nice of them. My teachers, don't care if you're tired or not, they just want you to do your work. And it doesn't matter if they're passing their class or not, they just won't let you. My math teacher called a kid's parents because they were sleeping in class. And the kid had an A+

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Back when I was in elementary school I had my bike stolen from me. The school was doing a fundraiser where the prize for whomever earned the most got a bike, so I tried my hardest to try to win it. One of my teachers and the principal found out about me having my bike stolen, went and got me a new one, and delivered it to my house.

@spacebluelily language

Neither do I. I don't even like Christmas. Halloween and the 4th of July are the superior holidays.
I feel you Sy. I started writing another story even though I have like 15 or more unfinished stories.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I still enjoy Christmas. It's just that I have a huge freaking family and never know what to get them; there's my two sisters, my two brother-in-laws, my brother, my 3 nephews, my unborn niece, my parents, and my grandmother to think of gifts for.

The part that's crossed out means that I got them something!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I still enjoy Christmas. It's just that I have a huge freaking family and never know what to get them; there's my two sisters, my two brother-in-laws, my brother, my 3 nephews, my unborn niece, my parents, and my grandmother to think of gifts for.

The part that's crossed out means that I got them something!

I realized that I have my dad's gifts as well.