forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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So my fiancé and I went out for lunch today, and as I got in the car, he said that one line from Hamilton that's like, "I don't mean to be funny, but your perfume smells like your daddy's got money" and then grinned at me and did finger guns and I just stared at him
He really likes Hamilton and he's trying to get me to watch it but I won't
And sometimes he'll even sing the songs off-key on purpose because he knows it drives me nuts
But he's hot so ehh

@Elder-God-Whisper work

College sucks, I want to go live in the woods and the city at the same time, and why the hell do I have baby fever at 18!?!? Like seriously universe, I can kinda understand the depression and deep desire to stuff my face with bread and potatoes, but baby fever!?!? You’re losing your touch.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I forget with the pasage of time the daily load an infant brings. And yet –though I was never a primary caretaker– I would think as a sibling of seven I would have a reasonably truthful recollection of how arduous the care of such a being might be. And I still want one.


Ha, Try a sibling of 10 and an Aunt of 7.
So many Diapers. So much spit up. So many bodily fluids.
I mean I would rather deal with all of those things then not have one of those siblings or neices/nephews. But still.
And then sometimes toddlers decide to be picky eaters
The death of nap time is the death of my sanity

@Moxie group

I love babies but I am nannying twice a week and holyyy shit I'm rethinking the whole kid thing.
Or at least have them three or four years apart so I don't have two fucking toddlers


God I just can't with young kids. I'm not ever having or adopting small children. I do, however, want to adopt/take in older kids, when I'm in a financially stable enough place to do so

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Lol, I only had two siblings and I was a little young to be too involved in caring for them, though I did my best to help. I mostly became their “secondary mother” when they got older and my mother started ignoring us. And yeah, even during baby fever, I remember about the bad side of babies, and yet my brain just continues screaming at me to get pregnant. It’s very stupid. Lol

@Moxie group

God I just can't with young kids. I'm not ever having or adopting small children. I do, however, want to adopt/take in older kids, when I'm in a financially stable enough place to do so

Like don't get me wrong, they're adorable and I love them but holy shit maybe don't headbut your brother or drag him by his shirt when he's already crying and after I told you not to????