forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Pickles group

Y'all know the "I Amanda Greene with this contract I release part of my freedom to you there's a contract in every cigarette when you light up you sign up don't let tobacco control you" ad and you can't skip it? Well apparently there's a longer version where she talks MORE about something or other, idk I didn't watch the whole thing, and I learned that a few months ago but I've only gotten the long one twice ever and for some reason I just remembered and now I have to share my knowledge

@HighPockets group

I've never gotten that one but I keep getting the "to show how scary vaping is, we made a METAL MONSTER!" one
Like sir I think there's paths you could've taken before that one


Ok so
A few hours ago
My fiancé picked me up
And he said that he was taking me somewhere that was going to be a surprise
And of course I asked him where he was taking me
And of course he didn't tell me
So we drove for like 45 minutes
And then he pulls up in front of the freaking Cheesecake Factory
And is like "Surprise"
And I almost started crying he is so perfect


I've got both of those, short and long versions
they're equally ingraved in my mind
also the metal monster one feels like a parody, that scream effect? that sounds like something i'd hear in a 0 budget roblox animated short making fun of the movie It

@HighPockets group

My middle school choir had memorized this commercial about dip that went "smokeless doesn't mean harmless" due to the amount of times we got it while our teacher streamed our songs lol


I went to the beach today, went doughy came out crispy.
Didn't wear sunscreen some how didn't burn, got to the crispy stage but not burnt.
I also stepped on a sting ray and I feel really bad about it, the poor thing was just trying to live it's best life and then my awkward self had to step on it. It was kind enough not to sting me and I appreciate it's chivalry.

@larcenistarsonist group

i have two twin cats that are my children that couldn't be more different and i would die for them (Sonto and Fiona, Sonto is 11.5 pounds, a male tabby, yellow/orange fur with a white belly and just wants to sit on people and Fiona is 4 pounds, a female tabby, gray with black stripes and a spotted belly and hates everything that breathes)


Y'all know the "I Amanda Greene with this contract I release part of my freedom to you there's a contract in every cigarette when you light up you sign up don't let tobacco control you" ad and you can't skip it? Well apparently there's a longer version where she talks MORE about something or other, idk I didn't watch the whole thing, and I learned that a few months ago but I've only gotten the long one twice ever and for some reason I just remembered and now I have to share my knowledge

I hate the long one, Actually I hate both of them. Like YouTube I though you were supposed to be good at targeting adds. I get's nervous when I thinks about holding hands with a guy. I'm not thinking about doing something as unclean as ruining my literal lungs.
Like read the room YouTube

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Y'all know the "I Amanda Greene with this contract I release part of my freedom to you there's a contract in every cigarette when you light up you sign up don't let tobacco control you" ad and you can't skip it? Well apparently there's a longer version where she talks MORE about something or other, idk I didn't watch the whole thing, and I learned that a few months ago but I've only gotten the long one twice ever and for some reason I just remembered and now I have to share my knowledge

I hate the long one, Actually I hate both of them. Like YouTube I though you were supposed to be good at targeting adds. I get's nervous when I thinks about holding hands with a guy. I'm not thinking about doing something as unclean as ruining my literal lungs.
Like read the room YouTube

Y'all know that series that was everywhere a while ago that started with "Little lungs in a great big world" and it was just claymation with tiny lungs and every ad started with "The story of a pair of lungs that smoked as a teen and never grew to normal size"
The only one I remember is the birthday party one where he gets thrown out a window and gets impaled by glass shards