forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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But maybe you are going on a quest to overthrow an evil overlord who has stolen your birthright.

Indeed I have considered such a thing, it is with this very thought that I deduced all emails coming from The east coast are from my true mentor, and those coming from UC's are actually decoy messages from spy's of the overlord, for my old mentor will not be from these lands, no they will have left them long ago and hidden away for such a time as this, waiting for a time when, I the true keeper of education, will gain the all power piece of paper declaring my publicly paid for education over. It is then, when the vulnerability of uncertainty is upon me that the overlord also known as College Board, will strike, attempting to pulling me into a collage with a terribly high tuition fee and terrible on campus atmosphere. I must be strong and chose a college where it is bitterly cold, far from the gilded beaches of California to complete my training, it is here I will meet A Love interest that is secretly the enemies pawn for they will transfer back to those sand encrusted colleges, luring me into their depths. But I will resist, though not with out the wound of a Broken heart. I will go on a vacation and reunite with actual love interest who happens to be a friend of mine in high school, after hearing of my plight they join me in my quest and we power couple it through to graduation, after achieving this the love interest suddenly vanishes kidnapped by that hateful overlord who was controlling the California colleges this whole time. We will engage in an epic battle of thesis's fueled on 1 hour of sleep and many many caffeine pills I falter but in the end overthrow this monster, College bored was it's name and with out it High Schoolers and College student's alike enjoy an education free from this monopolies grasp, far from the influence of those that seek only monetary gain. I will fulfill my birthright and truly become, the defender of Education.
Also the Love interest comes back eventually but not for the final battle or anything because I don't need no man.


My teacher (who also teaches my sociology and US govt & citz) is the farthest left teacher I know. He wore a mask that had these statements in rainbow:

Love is love
Black lives matter
Science is real
No human is illegal
Women's right are human rights
Kindness is everything

He was also the first teacher I told my name/pronouns to and he took it rlly well.
He's neat.


Also, wholesome story: I was reading a book I got from the library, and someone had stuck a piece of paper in between two random pages in the book and it said something like this:
"Hey amazing reader of this amazing book! Just wanted to let you know that you are AWESOME SAUCE!! Love, a friend"
And it just made my heart so happy and I wanted to share that with y'alls

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I'm going to cut my own hair and give myself bangs.

Don't do it. Don't cut your own hair I speak from experience. Just no…….. Please……

My mom is going to help me. So i'll be fine.

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I'm going to cut my own hair and give myself bangs.

Don't do it. Don't cut your own hair I speak from experience. Just no…….. Please……

My mom is going to help me. So i'll be fine.

Okay, as long as you have help 😂

She's gonna hold a ruler and tell me how much it cut away.


I have to go to band after this though, and I despise the band director.
He likes to mansplain
And it's really hecking obnoxious.
He over here like "Music theory this music theory that big philosophical idea.". And I'm like….
Bro, they don't know how to read music.
They don't know how to make a noise on their instrument.
Maybe teach them how to use their flipping instrument before you wax philosophical and give incorrect facts about the Greeks

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We don't have a home room. BUT a room I consider home is our choir room.