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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I have to go to band after this though, and I despise the band director.
He likes to mansplain
And it's really hecking obnoxious.
He over here like "Music theory this music theory that big philosophical idea.". And I'm like….
Bro, they don't know how to read music.
They don't know how to make a noise on their instrument.
Maybe teach them how to use their flipping instrument before you wax philosophical and give incorrect facts about the Greeks

My band director likes to roast the baritones and trombones and if he gets bored we watch memes and fail compliations. He's lit. He hates music theory but you're expected to know it.


Today The band directer took a full hour arranging a 16 measure thing for the band that's literally just a scale and he was struggling with the program.
I know that program like the back of my hand
I could have taught him how to do it in like 15 minutes
But instead the Drum major and I just sat back swapping insults and eating popcorn watching him struggle.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

The Day the band figures out I'm a Chaotic Neutral Bard and not a Lawful Good Cleric is going to be a great day filled with chaos and confusion

You have to fill me in on it when that day comes. My band director is definitely chaotic neautral. I swear he's ADD or ADHD like we'll be working on a piece and he'll go now let's jump to measure 180 brcause I got bored with measure 3 and sometimes he'll make us sight read on a scale of 1 to 6 a grade 5 and say good luck you fools.

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My mom and dad played in a marching band but I never have, it sounds fun though :D
I’ve only played flute in a state Youth Symphony and got to play side by side with the professionals, which was awesome!


I sing - and we had to learn a very depressing French song by Debussy last year.
Its title was Noel des enfants qui n'ont plus de maisons, literally "Christmas carol for homeless children".
It is about homeless French children during WWI.
It's in French, though, but then my choir teacher literally put the freaking translation on the programme and depressed the audience.
Plus, it's nuts. Look it up. The piano part is nuts, and the voice part is nuts. Debussy was… sigh


My history teacher yelled at me and my friend by saying "quiet boys" and my friend was like "tHatS a giRL" and my teacher looked me up and down so doubtful like "… o-h.. and girls"
Neither of them are right but it's fun to be read as something other than girl lol.

@Milani eco

i just took kitchen scissors and chopped off a good seven inches of my hair cause i felt like it, and i'm lowkey kinda digging it

wow to have the audacity to do that!
i could never…


i just took kitchen scissors and chopped off a good seven inches of my hair cause i felt like it, and i'm lowkey kinda digging it

NOOOO not kitchen scissors I'm trying to prevent accidents hereeeee (but I bet you look very pretty tho)

aww thanks


I just accidentally wrote a break up scene for a couple . But I don't have a couple to go with it, but I really like the scene. I also wrote it in like very proper English, it gives me 1800's vibes. High key might have been fueled by the current feelings I am having towards a friend of mine who is being very distant right now. Also Low key might be crying because of it. also High key is going to post it because why the heck not share my emotional turmoil in the form of character interaction.


“Do you not feel the pit of dread weighing in your stomach, is the terror of what is to come lost on you? Am I the only one who sees this drifting of minds, this unfortunate separation?”
“Perhaps you do not feel the impending farewell approaching as keenly as I do. Perhaps I have lost to many, perhaps I have relied too heavily upon our conversation and the utter joy speaking with you brings me. Or are you blind to it? This sad fate that befalls all but the most unlikely of friendships. I fear the divide, I fear drifting too far out of reach, but perhaps that is something you do not fear.”
“Am I alone in fighting the severing of ties who does not wish this to go the way of many other relations. Am I the paranoid fool screaming at the sane, or am I the bearer of warnings that fall on deaf ears.”
“I fear few things but this I fear most keenly, that you and I will go our separate ways without a fight to remain together. It seems you are intent of seeing this fear come to pass.”
“I once thought that perhaps we could remain bonded for much longer. That somehow words carved into stone could be erased and revised. I suppose such a thing is impossible in your eye’s, it is that very thought that makes them unachievable.”
“Is it possible you do not wish to be here, that your heart and mind rest upon distant horizons where no responsibilities can follow.”
She was quiet when I asked this, She and I knew the words before they were spoken, that did not lessen the blow, or the pain that ripped through my consciousness as they were uttered.
“You know that this has long been my desire, I will not pretend otherwise.” Not a trace of remorse could be seen on her face, no hint of the same pain I felt reverberating in my chest. The pain I no doubt wore on my face, a banner of despair.
“ I will not force such impossible wishes as mine upon you then. I release you from all obligations, Be free My love, remember this burden no more. Though I ask you remember the joy. For I hope that you will find no regrets.”
There was no reaction from her face, still as if carved from stone it was as I turned away. I did not turn to witness the tears that fell from her eye’s as I walked away, nor was I near when sobs escaped her lips.

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19 years ago "our nation saw evil – the very worst of human nature – and we responded with the best of America. With the daring of our rescue workers, with the caring for strangers and neighbors who came to give blood and help in any way they could." –Then-President George W. Bush

Please, never forget.