forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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(Also my favourite vine is DEFINITELY "Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does!" so much respect for putting that one on there)

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

(Also my favourite vine is DEFINITELY "Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does!" so much respect for putting that one on there)

(It's my favorite, too, lol, every time we're in the car, I scream it when we pass a road work ahead sign)

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I just fractured 2 ribs…it hurt like the dickens!

Now how did you do that?

Got kicked by a bull, when dismounting. But hey, I hit the 8 second mark!

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I don't really know you but that sounds so fucking cool, you have my respect.

Boy its exhilarating! Its the biggest adrenaline rush I have ever experienced! To be able to ride a bull you've gotta learn how to put away your feelings and the fear and still stay focused enough to do what you need to do to accomplish the 8 second mark. I wish I was poetic enough to put the feelings on paper, it's hard work but when you finish it's so rewarding!


Biggest adrenaline rush I have ever experienced: free-fall rappelling. Long story short, it is the only time when I legitimately thought I was going to die.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I've told this story like 4 times. Long story short: one word. ALASKA.
So this was when me and Elias had just started dating. This creep kept following us and making obscene jokes and apparently he was real mental and he thought I was a trophy, (or he just liked to hunt people for sport I dunno) so he followed me to Elias's house, and I was outside and Elias went inside to get the keys for the snowmobile and this creep popped up out of nowhere and I'm like what I turn my head and I thought he just pushed me down into the snow, and I see Elias charge out of the house like a freaking bear, and sends this dude flying. Elias beats his brains out and ties him to a tree, I stand up and I'm like why am I all wet? And Elias is paler than a ghost and I look down and I realized that I hadn't been pushed, but skewered and the knife was sticking out of my left side, point out, and I couldn't feel anything. Blood was all over the snow and it's a very stark contrast, and blood steams on snow, Elias was crying, I was half delusional, and this poor boy strips his clothing off besides a t shirt and jeans and packs his clothes with snow and we get on the snow mobile and make the 14 minute snow mobile drive to the hospital, I was completely fine, after they fixed me up, but they had to check Elias for frostbite.

Deleted user

Biggest adrenaline rush I have ever experienced: free-fall rappelling. Long story short, it is the only time when I legitimately thought I was going to die.

I only felt like I was gonna die once.
I had headbutted a bull and had fallen unconscious so I don't remember a thing, most of it I got from my friends and family.
The bull had stomped onto my back, which led to a broken neck, 3 fractured ribs, a punctured lung, and a lacerated kidney. When I woke up I couldn’t catch my breath, my chest felt really heavy my first thought was "I'm dying!" but when I continued to live, my next was "I've gone paralyzed!" Because I couldn't feel my arms and legs for a few hours. I kept telling the poor doctor "I'm paralyzed!" even through he kept telling me I wasn't.
I'm kind of a whimp when it comes to getting hurt and I panic really easily.
Afterward it was really embarrassing cause I had to wear a neck brace and it was soooo uncomfortable!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I've told this story like 4 times. Long story short: one word. ALASKA.
So this was when me and Elias had just started dating. This creep kept following us and making obscene jokes and apparently he was real mental and he thought I was a trophy, (or he just liked to hunt people for sport I dunno) so he followed me to Elias's house, and I was outside and Elias went inside to get the keys for the snowmobile and this creep popped up out of nowhere and I'm like what I turn my head and I thought he just pushed me down into the snow, and I see Elias charge out of the house like a freaking bear, and sends this dude flying. Elias beats his brains out and ties him to a tree, I stand up and I'm like why am I all wet? And Elias is paler than a ghost and I look down and I realized that I hadn't been pushed, but skewered and the knife was sticking out of my left side, point out, and I couldn't feel anything. Blood was all over the snow and it's a very stark contrast, and blood steams on snow, Elias was crying, I was half delusional, and this poor boy strips his clothing off besides a t shirt and jeans and packs his clothes with snow and we get on the snow mobile and make the 14 minute snow mobile drive to the hospital, I was completely fine, after they fixed me up, but they had to check Elias for frostbite.

Great story.

@Moxie group

The vibes in my house are immaculate at the moment. My mom and I are both just quietly doing work at the table, there's an apple-scented candle in between us that is very pretty, and dinner is in the oven and smells like chilli (one of my favorite food smells). To say I am vibing is an understatement.

This is escpecially nice because sometimes being home alone with just my mom makes me anxious, but right now everything is really nice.

That is all.


Thank you, this is exactly how I feel about it.


Today I have discovered this and I am never doing my homework or writing to anything else.
You have not known victory till you have completed your Physics homework with the Fellowship theme playing.
Nor Nostalgia till you're writing a goodbye scene and "Samwise the Brave" is playing faintly in your ears.
One of the only good things to come from the hobbit movies is the soundtrack, Howard Shore just has the ability to really just hit you with feels.


Dear Assassin bugs, particularly that of the Kissing variety,
I do not mind that you see me as a food, I do not mind sharing my nearly endless supply of blood.
But could you not backwash into my body as I am allergic to you and it causes me a lot of pain.
And to the One that has taken up residence in my sisters closet,Sir I understand feeling the need to bite me once, maybe twice, but seven times in the same spot is completely unnecessary. Not only this but you only need to eat every two weeks so following up the next day with another four is an inexcusable offence. You may have gotten away this time, my flip flop was no match for your hard exoskeleton against the soft carpet, But Mark my words your time is nearing an end. By the Weeks end strange fumes will fill the air, entering your pathetic body, sentencing you to a painful death by poison. I will hunt you till that day comes, zip lock bag in hand I will search the corners of the closet for your worthless form. Alas I can not begin to cause you the same pain you have given to me, even with Benadryl the mark of your misdeed will by carried on my body for three weeks if not longer, causing me pain until the last of your disgusting saliva is at last destroyed. May Pain fall upon your kindred and any of your kind that lay one spindly leg inside this house.
I curse you sir, I condemn you to the very last circle in the pits of the underworld. May you writhe in pain for eternity.
You're reluctant Food supply and Landlord - Relsey