forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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omg i remember reading this one book back in elementary school and the main character had two moms and I remember other characters saying they were a perfect match and I didn't realize they were lesbians til like 2 years later lol


All I know is that I'm sleepy and that I have a runny nose, and that I might force my fiancé to bring me chicken noodle soup, because his soup is the bomb.


He is also very good at making taco soup. I love taco soup. In the fall, he will literally make huge pots of it just for us (rather, me, because I eat more of it than he does XD). I just store it in the fridge and eat as needed. It will literally last me for like five days.


I was mentioning to my brother's friend about how I had gnocchi for breakfast, and he was like, "wait, that's a food? I thought it was the name of the cat from Curious George" and I DIED.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Dear Assassin bugs, particularly that of the Kissing variety,
I do not mind that you see me as a food, I do not mind sharing my nearly endless supply of blood.
But could you not backwash into my body as I am allergic to you and it causes me a lot of pain.
And to the One that has taken up residence in my sisters closet,Sir I understand feeling the need to bite me once, maybe twice, but seven times in the same spot is completely unnecessary. Not only this but you only need to eat every two weeks so following up the next day with another four is an inexcusable offence. You may have gotten away this time, my flip flop was no match for your hard exoskeleton against the soft carpet, But Mark my words your time is nearing an end. By the Weeks end strange fumes will fill the air, entering your pathetic body, sentencing you to a painful death by poison. I will hunt you till that day comes, zip lock bag in hand I will search the corners of the closet for your worthless form. Alas I can not begin to cause you the same pain you have given to me, even with Benadryl the mark of your misdeed will by carried on my body for three weeks if not longer, causing me pain until the last of your disgusting saliva is at last destroyed. May Pain fall upon your kindred and any of your kind that lay one spindly leg inside this house.
I curse you sir, I condemn you to the very last circle in the pits of the underworld. May you writhe in pain for eternity.
You're reluctant Food supply and Landlord - Relsey

Well said.

Deleted user

So I must be really fucking stupid or just bad at words because I told my crush that I liked her…and went sending her a paragraph…but it made me sound like a dick. I WAS JUST TRYING TO SAY THAT I LIKED HER AND I'D BE THERE FOR HER.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Why the fuck do people actually like reading my fics?
I'm so grateful, but who the fuck wants to read about 10 idiots driving around in an RV and causing general mayhem for a month, with a side plot of more damn romance?

@YukiSenoue group

Why the fuck do people actually like reading my fics?
I'm so grateful, but who the fuck wants to read about 10 idiots driving around in an RV and causing general mayhem for a month, with a side plot of more damn romance?

people reads shit like [insert you most hated book here], I'm pretty sure your fic is better

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Why the fuck do people actually like reading my fics?
I'm so grateful, but who the fuck wants to read about 10 idiots driving around in an RV and causing general mayhem for a month, with a side plot of more damn romance?

people reads shit like [insert you most hated book here], I'm pretty sure your fic is better

but how the fuck have 27 people liked it enough to leave kudos