forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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So, Winter, you said you can see people's emotions as colors? (I think it was you anyway…) Is it kind of like the colors are lines coming from somewhere? Like if you were to follow them, they would lead you to the person feeling those emotions?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

So, Winter, you said you can see people's emotions as colors? (I think it was you anyway…) Is it kind of like the colors are lines coming from somewhere? Like if you were to follow them, they would lead you to the person feeling those emotions?

Not really. If the person comes close it's kinda like a punch in the face. Ya know how Yoda was like OOF when the clones turned and he like grabbed his chest? That's kinda how it feels to me. But others I can touch and be like oooooooo you're very colorful today aren't you?


So, Winter, you said you can see people's emotions as colors? (I think it was you anyway…) Is it kind of like the colors are lines coming from somewhere? Like if you were to follow them, they would lead you to the person feeling those emotions?

Not really. If the person comes close it's kinda like a punch in the face. Ya know how Yoda was like OOF when the clones turned and he like grabbed his chest? That's kinda how it feels to me. But others I can touch and be like oooooooo you're very colorful today aren't you?

I wasn't here when that convo happened, but like now I wanna know, sorry I don't know if that's cool or not feel free to ignore

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Alright Relsey. Silver for sure, a sunburst yellow, an earthy brown, royal blue.
Silver, bc I get a grudge and the feeling of not being as cared for as the others in your family. A sunburst yellow for those times when you're extremely happy and that's your most favorite feeling, an earthy brown, because you're acting subdued and you're just keeping yourself grounded and in control of your emotions. Royal blue because you feel as if what you're seeing in your life was not meant to be yours. You take pleasure in the small things, but they speak of things you desire that can't really happen right at the moment. That's the colors and vibe I get from you, but take it with a grain of salt pleaseeee.


Thank you! I'm actually getting some outfit designs from that.

Nice. Was it like 30% or more accurate tho, and please put the character outfit designs here once you finish them. I'd love to see them!

It was very accurate, 90% accurate.

@Space group

Fun fact: I have little to no sense of smell

Ah. That's sad. Is food taste dulled for you? Like I have a friend who can't smell, but she can taste legit everything perfectly, and no one knows why. She's a fluke of nature.

I think my sense of taste is fine. That's weird


I found this gem of a short story when I was reading through my old writing

The overhead lamps cast a harsh light on the parking lot as we stood there, the sky didn’t match my emotions, it seemed to taunt me, Why so glum when we’re so bright, why so sad when the weather’s so nice? We are bright so why art you?
“So that’s it then, go leave I told you everything.” He looked out at the horizon anywhere but at me.
“Listen, Henry-”
“Listen what you’ve made it clear to me where your priorities lie.” He finally looked at me, “Why can’t you let it go, just once, you’re tearing us apart.”
His words hit me like bullets shot one after another, “Let it go? My priorities? Henry You want me to let it go.”
He looked back at the horizon at the pink clouds gliding through the sky. “You’re making a big deal out of nothing.”
Suddenly those pink clouds appear more of a blood red, “Nothing, you compromised my financial stability? You want to call emotionally scaring me nothing! Why why, Henry that's not the man I fell in love with, who are you?”
He looked down at his hands defeated, “Listen, I don’t,” He looked up at me pleadingly, “I don’t know, what, who I don’t know what I’m doing I can't.”
I took a step back, “No, I can’t, I’m sorry, You’ve hurt me, I took a chance and you proved me wrong, I risked everything with you and this is what happens!” I was basically screaming the pinks and purples blending together, why so beautiful when my heart was so torn. “I can’t do this anymore, you’ve broken my heart to many times I have to draw a line.”
“ For heaven's sake, It was Monopoly!”

@Eli_ group

I am currently writing a story and I swear- It was supposed to be serious, but it turned into an entire shitpost within minutes of me typing a single word. Is this good or bad? I can't seem to tell-

@Eli_ group

It very much is. At this point, it's just a collection of Incorrect Quotes, lmao. I'll send it when I finally feel like I've finished, but after that I'll probably add more and more