forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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laughs in I don't have a fiancé

Laughs in I know all your dirty secrets because of Whisper

okay you know what
Whisper's NOT my fiancé.
And you don't know HALF of what I'm hiding, sweetheart.
So don't test me. :)

I was just messing around, bucko

Well I'm not :)
Whisper wouldn't tell you things about our intimate relationship :)

I know your kinks. That's legit all I know, bro

mmm don't like that

Deleted user

laughs in I don't have a fiancé

Laughs in I know all your dirty secrets because of Whisper

okay you know what
Whisper's NOT my fiancé.
And you don't know HALF of what I'm hiding, sweetheart.
So don't test me. :)

I was just messing around, bucko

Well I'm not :)
Whisper wouldn't tell you things about our intimate relationship :)

All I've ever heard from Whisper is that you guys really care about and love each other, which makes me happy. Y'alls is adorable.

And honestly, same.. kinda.

Deleted user

laughs in I don't have a fiancé

Laughs in I know all your dirty secrets because of Whisper

okay you know what
Whisper's NOT my fiancé.
And you don't know HALF of what I'm hiding, sweetheart.
So don't test me. :)

I was just messing around, bucko

Well I'm not :)
Whisper wouldn't tell you things about our intimate relationship :)

I know your kinks. That's legit all I know, bro

mmm don't like that

I won't tell. I promise.


OK but my fiancé is the most amazing person on earth guys
This is why:
So I got in a car accident yesterday right? First car accident I've been in and it really shook me. I'm a very sensory-oriented person (cough Asperger's cough) and so things like smell and touch and taste help calm me down. Anyway, he has this body wash that smells like freaking heaven, so last night, I asked him if he would lend me some so I could maybe use it as bubble bath or something, just because the smell would calm me down. And he was just like "Yeah sure, as long as you don't use the whole bottle" and winked and I just… he completely understands me. Ohhhh he's so perfect and I love him so muhuhuuuuuch…


laughs in I don't have a fiancé

Laughs in I know all your dirty secrets because of Whisper

okay you know what
Whisper's NOT my fiancé.
And you don't know HALF of what I'm hiding, sweetheart.
So don't test me. :)

I was just messing around, bucko

Well I'm not :)
Whisper wouldn't tell you things about our intimate relationship :)

I know your kinks. That's legit all I know, bro

mmm don't like that

I won't tell. I promise.

still don't like that
I barely fucking know you, dude. I don't like that you know things that are PRIVATE about me. That's not fucking cool. And how the hell am I supposed to take a random stranger's word when they say they "won't tell"?


laughs in I don't have a fiancé

Laughs in I know all your dirty secrets because of Whisper

okay you know what
Whisper's NOT my fiancé.
And you don't know HALF of what I'm hiding, sweetheart.
So don't test me. :)

I was just messing around, bucko

Well I'm not :)
Whisper wouldn't tell you things about our intimate relationship :)

I know your kinks. That's legit all I know, bro

mmm don't like that

I won't tell. I promise.

still don't like that
I barely fucking know you, dude. I don't like that you know things that are PRIVATE about me. That's not fucking cool. And how the hell am I supposed to take a random stranger's word when they say they "won't tell"?

Darlings, may I remind you that if we must be mean, I would strongly suggest taking it to the rudeness chat.


laughs in I don't have a fiancé

Laughs in I know all your dirty secrets because of Whisper

okay you know what
Whisper's NOT my fiancé.
And you don't know HALF of what I'm hiding, sweetheart.
So don't test me. :)

I was just messing around, bucko

Well I'm not :)
Whisper wouldn't tell you things about our intimate relationship :)

I know your kinks. That's legit all I know, bro

mmm don't like that

I won't tell. I promise.

you’re already kinda telling by putting this discussion in a public chat, which…
not cool bro
that stuff is none of your business
very unpoggers of you


laughs in I don't have a fiancé

Laughs in I know all your dirty secrets because of Whisper

okay you know what
Whisper's NOT my fiancé.
And you don't know HALF of what I'm hiding, sweetheart.
So don't test me. :)

I was just messing around, bucko

Well I'm not :)
Whisper wouldn't tell you things about our intimate relationship :)

I know your kinks. That's legit all I know, bro

mmm don't like that

I won't tell. I promise.

still don't like that
I barely fucking know you, dude. I don't like that you know things that are PRIVATE about me. That's not fucking cool. And how the hell am I supposed to take a random stranger's word when they say they "won't tell"?

Darlings, may I remind you that if we must be mean, I would strongly suggest taking it to the rudeness chat.

mmm yesn't
I think my anger is somewhat justified :/
And I'm trying to keep my cool here but I'm pissed, and for good reason.


laughs in I don't have a fiancé

Laughs in I know all your dirty secrets because of Whisper

okay you know what
Whisper's NOT my fiancé.
And you don't know HALF of what I'm hiding, sweetheart.
So don't test me. :)

I was just messing around, bucko

Well I'm not :)
Whisper wouldn't tell you things about our intimate relationship :)

I know your kinks. That's legit all I know, bro

mmm don't like that

I won't tell. I promise.

you’re already kinda telling by putting this discussion in a public chat, which…
not cool bro
that stuff is none of your business
very unpoggers of you

thank you Ella


I'm not fighting, I'm stating that I'm not comfortable with the information that he's sharing that's private information about me :)


Look, my head hurts, I'm shaken, I'm tired, I'm grumpy, and I'm not in the mood for a fight. Can we maybe just all calm down? I have more small, slightly amusing anecdotes about my life that may defuse you.

Deleted user

I shouldn't be talking about shit like that.
It makes me as bad as @/cup_o_ramen.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'm not fighting, I'm stating that I'm not comfortable with the information that he's sharing that's private information about me :)

Correction: there shall be no sharing of personal information unless the person says it themselves, or gives permission.
(There you go. My bad fam)


Changing subject, is there anyone who can do a literary analysis of the marxist literary lens?

Yee changing subject club high five
And uhhh I would but I'm crazy busy


I'm not fighting, I'm stating that I'm not comfortable with the information that he's sharing that's private information about me :)

Correction: there shall be no sharing of personal information unless the person says it themselves, or gives permission.
(There you go. My bad fam)

thank you mom :)
hey can you do me a favor
I'm trying to make a private group pm and it's not letting me add everyone
I'm trying to add me, Ella, Reed, and John so we can talk this out privately
please help ;-;


I shouldn't be talking about shit like that.
It makes me as bad as @/cup_o_ramen.

Taters, you know my rules on self-deprecation. Five things you like about yourself. Now.


Changing subject, is there anyone who can do a literary analysis of the marxist literary lens?

Yee changing subject club high five
And uhhh I would but I'm crazy busy
