forum Quotes from the List of Completely Weird and Random Things We’ve Overheard… (About 15 quotes will be posted daily, and feel completely free to add your own!)
Started by @IamNOTachickenok

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@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

i was one of the ppl in that convo

XD which one-

The one who asked if he was ok.

Oh ok XD

The other is not making the best decsions, that was from 7th grade.
He also
-found the adresses of our teachers
-took anitdepressents that were not perscribed to him
-had adult time with the person who gave him the antidepressents
-walked with us to another road at 4 am
-snuck into a house
-jumped a b!tch
-went to school high multiple times
These are all from 7th grade, we are 8th graders now and the list is way longer.

@Eli-the-transboi group

i was one of the ppl in that convo

XD which one-

The one who asked if he was ok.

Oh ok XD

The other is not making the best decsions, that was from 7th grade.
He also
-found the adresses of our teachers
-took anitdepressents that were not perscribed to him
-had adult time with the person who gave him the antidepressents
-walked with us to another road at 4 am
-snuck into a house
-jumped a b!tch
-went to school high multiple times
These are all from 7th grade, we are 8th graders now and the list is way longer.


@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

i was one of the ppl in that convo

XD which one-

The one who asked if he was ok.

Oh ok XD

The other is not making the best decsions, that was from 7th grade.
He also
-found the adresses of our teachers
-took anitdepressents that were not perscribed to him
-had adult time with the person who gave him the antidepressents
-walked with us to another road at 4 am
-snuck into a house
-jumped a b!tch
-went to school high multiple times
These are all from 7th grade, we are 8th graders now and the list is way longer.


He is still 13, I am 14. like I said not the best decisions.

@Eli-the-transboi group

i was one of the ppl in that convo

XD which one-

The one who asked if he was ok.

Oh ok XD

The other is not making the best decsions, that was from 7th grade.
He also
-found the adresses of our teachers
-took anitdepressents that were not perscribed to him
-had adult time with the person who gave him the antidepressents
-walked with us to another road at 4 am
-snuck into a house
-jumped a b!tch
-went to school high multiple times
These are all from 7th grade, we are 8th graders now and the list is way longer.


He is still 13, I am 14. like I said not the best decisions.


@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

i was one of the ppl in that convo

XD which one-

The one who asked if he was ok.

Oh ok XD

The other is not making the best decsions, that was from 7th grade.
He also
-found the adresses of our teachers
-took anitdepressents that were not perscribed to him
-had adult time with the person who gave him the antidepressents
-walked with us to another road at 4 am
-snuck into a house
-jumped a b!tch
-went to school high multiple times
These are all from 7th grade, we are 8th graders now and the list is way longer.


He is still 13, I am 14. like I said not the best decisions.



Deleted user

i was one of the ppl in that convo

XD which one-

The one who asked if he was ok.

Oh ok XD

The other is not making the best decsions, that was from 7th grade.
He also
-found the adresses of our teachers
-took anitdepressents that were not perscribed to him
-had adult time with the person who gave him the antidepressents
-walked with us to another road at 4 am
-snuck into a house
-jumped a b!tch
-went to school high multiple times
These are all from 7th grade, we are 8th graders now and the list is way longer.


He is still 13, I am 14. like I said not the best decisions.


(O-0") nani da heck?

Deleted user

I actually have a list in the notes on my phone titled "Weird Things Actually Spoken by Me, My Family, or People I Know." If Anti-Chicken doesn't mind, I'm gonna start going down my list as well, lol.

  • "Don't you hate it when you put something somewhere, and you know you put it somewhere, but you can't remember where that somewhere is?"
  • "Hey, look, Books-A-Billion!"
    "That's not what it's called, but books anyway!"
  • "Ah, Old Navy. One of the few places in the world where you walk in and the first thing you see is a bunch of decapitated people."
  • "You have five seconds to get your stupid out of my face."
  • "You know, the undead is not a healthy diet."
  • "Are you okay?"
    "Yeah, I just had a small contraction in my stomach…. I mean, not a contraction, a cramp! I'm not pregnant!"
  • "You're going to hate life when you wake up at six fifteen."
    "I always hate life when I have to get up at six fifteen."
  • "I never thought I'd see the day when I stayed up till midnight texting a stranger about zombie apocalypse."
  • (literally heard this one just now as I was typing) "You're a homo sapien."
    "That's what you are, it's literally your scientific name!"
    "Well, I hate my scientific name."
  • "….Well. The goat lived."
  • "Can I high-five you, or would it be disrespectful to high-five an angel?"
  • "Is this a good idea?"
    "No, it's not, but do it anyway."
  • "You know I'm comfortable when I can spell 'adjectives' while driving down the interstate."
  • "In this house, we step on Legos and hedgehog quills."
  • "For the love of muffins!"
  • "How dare you attack me! I'm an invalid!"

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

I actually have a list in the notes on my phone titled "Weird Things Actually Spoken by Me, My Family, or People I Know." If Anti-Chicken doesn't mind, I'm gonna start going down my list as well, lol.

  • "Don't you hate it when you put something somewhere, and you know you put it somewhere, but you can't remember where that somewhere is?"
  • "Hey, look, Books-A-Billion!"
    "That's not what it's called, but books anyway!"
  • "Ah, Old Navy. One of the few places in the world where you walk in and the first thing you see is a bunch of decapitated people."
  • "You have five seconds to get your stupid out of my face."
  • "You know, the undead is not a healthy diet."
  • "Are you okay?"
    "Yeah, I just had a small contraction in my stomach…. I mean, not a contraction, a cramp! I'm not pregnant!"
  • "You're going to hate life when you wake up at six fifteen."
    "I always hate life when I have to get up at six fifteen."
  • "I never thought I'd see the day when I stayed up till midnight texting a stranger about zombie apocalypse."
  • (literally heard this one just now as I was typing) "You're a homo sapien."
    "That's what you are, it's literally your scientific name!"
    "Well, I hate my scientific name."
  • "….Well. The goat lived."
  • "Can I high-five you, or would it be disrespectful to high-five an angel?"
  • "Is this a good idea?"
    "No, it's not, but do it anyway."
  • "You know I'm comfortable when I can spell 'adjectives' while driving down the interstate."
  • "In this house, we step on Legos and hedgehog quills."
  • "For the love of muffins!"
  • "How dare you attack me! I'm an invalid!"

“…Well. The goat lived.” -Me, playing The Arcana

Deleted user

“…Well. The goat lived.” -Me, playing The Arcana

I said that out loud after reading Hunchback of Notre Dame, actually. XD

Deleted user

  • "Don't you want to poke the dead bird of life with the righteous stick of curiosity?"
  • So apparently there's a Mario plot line somewhere in the universe where Bowser Junior thought Princess Peach was his mom
    This is what my sister said about it
    Bowser Jr kidnaps Peach–
    BJ: "Mommy! I saved you from those weird dirty men down there!"
    Peach: "What? Those are just some fun guys!"
    BJ: "…. I was talking about the plumbers."
    Peach: "So was i-"

Deleted user

I know you guys want more, so here is the next page from the list:
“Did you just tell me I had a glow-DOWN?!”
“Remember that guy who told me he made yogurt on the sun?”
“Nice pants!” “Shut up, you little fish!”
“You flipple my nipple, you crippled my nipple?”
“You see, translated into english, it means ‘dead monkey baby’”
“Yum, toe jam!”
“What’s the difference between jam and jelly? You can’t jelly a child into a white van.”
“Let’s be friends, let’s be friends!” “Aw, thanks balls.”
“I’m literally giving up on life.” “I don’t care! I don’t care!”
“Turn it off! I’m not a cube!”
“I have a tendency to forget dumb things.” “Like the rules?” “Exactly! Dumb things.”
“I tried to crack an egg, but there was no egg…”
“Also, don’t feel sad, because Trump’s not president anymore. SMILE!”
“Mac’s watching Game Theory?!”
“The only thing I’m going to push is the pull door.”
“Anyways, as a punishment for making me not understand, I decided to eat my wife for dinner tonight.”
“Is Kim Kardashian the reason turtles are dying?”
“uNcLe rObBiE!”
“What have I done to deserve being british? I’ve eaten cheeseburgers and stayed away from the forbidden art of kilometers like a good American citizen.”
“I was a weatherman before I turned into a snowman.”
“HAHAHAHA, tHaT’s a rEaL kNeE sLaPpEr!”
“Why did you bring ramen into class?”
“Tell your parents they named you wrong. There’s not supposed to be an E!”


(Thanks Midnight- and yes, feel free to add your own, everyone)