forum put inside jokes here with no context
Started by @1want2believe

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@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

(A conversation that I had with a teacher that my friends constantly keep bringing up XD)
"Can I use the bathroom?"
"I dunno, can you?"
"Oh you're right, my bad. I haven't evolved quite yet. I still use photosynthesis and therefore do not defecate as you do. I'll just go sit outside for a few minutes to get my proper nutrients." then I left the classroom… and got in big trouble…


"Defiance and Skittles"
"French Horns!" (reply) "ROAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"I accidentally adopted five children"
"You have a harem"
(Me, a girl, to my boyfriend) "I'm not gay I just have three wives"

Deleted user

"I'm a narcissist."
"tiMe To JuGgle KnIvEs"
"So you: Act gay, Juggle knives, and scare people?"
"I'm a huge music nerrrrddd"
"Nice talking with cha'"

@HighPockets group


(okay I need to include the context bc it's so fricking funny. My friends and I had to do a project on andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) Carnegie, and one of the options was a parody song. We did it to the tune of Take On Me by ah ha and it was about the miner's going on strike.)

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"I'm going on strike"
"You can't go on strike against ranch"
"I'm going on strike Beatrice out of my way"