forum put inside jokes here with no context
Started by @1want2believe

people_alt 178 followers

@HighPockets group


Me: is singing Dear Theodosia while getting into my costume to perform
Random lady from one stall over: Who has that angelic voice?

"It was a shih tzu."
"Girls? Keep that school appropriate…"

"Cock-a-doodle-dooo, now it's Act Two!!"



"Not in MY lemonade stand, Donald Trump."

"Juanito the Skateboard would never treat me like this."

"So…… the dance was fun."

"Huzzah! for Coyote People!"

"Altitude sickness"

"They say he's got quite a big…. PERSONALITY" gasp "No me diga!"



"Blake, why are you lying on the floor holding a tennis ball?"
"It is Isaiah's kid!"
"This is why mom doesn't let me on youth group missions trips…"


"To improve your score in a maths test, get Imperial March stuck in your head while doing it."
(Did that once, got 92%)

Deleted user

"Please, [Insert female sibling's name that I don't want to put on the internet because safety reasons], become my Hermione Granger. "

@HighPockets group

reading off wordle "Sassy, brave….vines?"

"A boy, left in the dust by a girl…"

"Yeah, well she's kinda a drops voice and looks around gardening tool."
"Bargaining tool? What is this, a hostage crisis?"