forum put inside jokes here with no context
Started by @1want2believe

people_alt 178 followers


i said beep beep im a sheep
You look like an avocado had sex with an older, more disgusting avocado. and it was like a hate f*** like there was some problems

@HighPockets group


"I just saw Infinity War and guess what? Now I'm single because all but one of my boyfriends died."


"Hey guys. I'm from your team and I was wondering where you hid your flag."

Jumps out from behind a bookshelf "WAKANDA FOOOOOREVEEERRR!!"

epic drumlike beatboxing

"Hear ye, hear ye! My name is Samuel Seabury, and I-" falls off chair

"Da da da da da da dat! I'm baaaaaaaaaack!"

"Alexaaaandeeerr, don't you briiiing meeee doooowwwnnn toooodaaaay…."

"Farmer Refuted Chair Fighting."

"Country Song Tally Score."

@HighPockets group

"I have a Murder Cat."


"The musical adventures of Flat Stanley."

"Don't Let Hamilton Lead A Battalion: A Parody Picture Book By Me."

"You looooove Haaaaaan Soooooloooo….."

"Dig and Save."

Deleted user

Jeremy cocked his goose head. No, that didn’t make any sense. No one in their right mind would bomb their own house, especially if it was quarantined.
No one in their right mind….
What if the bomber had been drunk, or on drugs? What if they were mentally troubled? That could reason that one of the family had bombed his/her own house. Wanda would have to do more research later.
There were so many paths that Private Wanda could go down, but she decided to go down the most reasonable trial - that a terrorist of some sort had bombed the sick, innocent family. Terrorism didn’t happen often - especially in Phillis City, Canada - but it did happen, and could happen, to anyone, anywhere.

Deleted user

"remember that time in seventh grade when we exploded a plant in science?"