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Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 56 followers



i diiiiiiiid
y'know I'm not even tired lol even though i only got like 6.5 hours of sleep
My sister, on the other hand, got more sleep than me and her mental state atm is destroyed

Deleted user

Lol one thing I have in common with your sister then
At least on weekends I can sleep like forever and still be super tired
On weekdays on the other hand I sleep way to little and still manages to stay awake and function like usual, I dunno why


yeyee here's a song, another one based off of "morning in america"
Normal, everyday public school kid
I'm perfectly fine, no god forbid
I guess you could describe me as semi-formal
Here, look at my life, it's perfectly normal

My parents are divorced, they both have two jobs
I got depression and anxiety
I take pills and make mistakes
B-grades, bad days
Yeah, this is the new norm
I either get
Bullied for my looks
Or catcalled, no in-between
I'm always either low on money
Or left alone

that's all I have so far, but the song is supposed to touch on that for our generation, these really are the norms for a lot of people and it's not ok.

@Pickles group

He was being a butthole honestly idrk I watched a 43 minute Tati video on it apparently he did a bunch of shady stuff or something
You can probably look it up for details