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Started by @Low_Mein

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!!!! it's so good
ok here's the summary (copy/pasted from goodreads):
"Nombeko Mayeki is on the run from the world's most ruthless secret service - with three Chinese sisters, twins who are officially one person and an elderly potato farmer. Oh, and the fate of the King of Sweden - and the world - rests on her shoulders. Born in a Soweto shack in 1961, Nombeko was destined for a short, hard life. When she was run over by a drunken engineer her luck changed. Alive, but blamed for the accident, she was made to work for the engineer - who happened to be in charge of a project vital to South Africa's security. Nombeko was good at cleaning, but brilliant at understanding numbers. The drunk engineer wasn't - and made a big mistake. And now only Nombeko knows about it."

Deleted user

!!!! it's so good
ok here's the summary (copy/pasted from goodreads):
"Nombeko Mayeki is on the run from the world's most ruthless secret service - with three Chinese sisters, twins who are officially one person and an elderly potato farmer. Oh, and the fate of the King of Sweden - and the world - rests on her shoulders. Born in a Soweto shack in 1961, Nombeko was destined for a short, hard life. When she was run over by a drunken engineer her luck changed. Alive, but blamed for the accident, she was made to work for the engineer - who happened to be in charge of a project vital to South Africa's security. Nombeko was good at cleaning, but brilliant at understanding numbers. The drunk engineer wasn't - and made a big mistake. And now only Nombeko knows about it."

Oh haha now that I read that I remember that I have actually read it but in swedish so I didn’t recognize the titel. It’s good! In swedish it is called ”analfabeten som kunde räkna” which translates to ”the illiterate that knew how to count”.

Deleted user

Yep cause that’s what the book is really about. An illiterate that is great at counting.


Just curious… what is the first thing you guys think about when you hear Sweden?

Usually meatballs and that CaramellDansen music video that was a meme like, 20,000 years ago.


!!!! it's so good
ok here's the summary (copy/pasted from goodreads):
"Nombeko Mayeki is on the run from the world's most ruthless secret service - with three Chinese sisters, twins who are officially one person and an elderly potato farmer. Oh, and the fate of the King of Sweden - and the world - rests on her shoulders. Born in a Soweto shack in 1961, Nombeko was destined for a short, hard life. When she was run over by a drunken engineer her luck changed. Alive, but blamed for the accident, she was made to work for the engineer - who happened to be in charge of a project vital to South Africa's security. Nombeko was good at cleaning, but brilliant at understanding numbers. The drunk engineer wasn't - and made a big mistake. And now only Nombeko knows about it."

Oh haha now that I read that I remember that I have actually read it but in swedish so I didn’t recognize the titel. It’s good! In swedish it is called ”analfabeten som kunde räkna” which translates to ”the illiterate that knew how to count”.

oh cool haha, that does sound better lol

Deleted user

What? I have literally no idea of which meme that is and I have never seen it lol

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Pewdiepie is annoying if you ask me

He's better than T-Series, though.

What’s that lol


Contrary to a lot of the american population, I actually don't give a fuck about neither pewdiepie nor tseries.

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Well I got to go now… over here in Sweden it is kinda late (not really but I need to get up early to go to work tomorrow)

Bye folks!